Friday, February 13, 2015

From the Cross Stitch Archives

Design - "Baubles - February"
Designer - Sam Sarah
Fabric -28 count Newport natural / cream linen
Fibers - GAST & WDW - 2 strands over 2 threads 
Started - 19 February 2014
Completed - 23 February 2014

Lots of woodpecker action this week.
I even had a male Downy at the suet feeder, though he left before I was able to get my camera.

I did manage to 'capture' a male Hairy Woodpecker. It basically looks exactly like a Downy except that it is a larger bird with a longer bill.

Sometimes the woodpeckers hang out together.

The Flickers are communal. 

I often see them in groups.

This view of a female clear shows off the bright white rump feathers.

And this blur of a bird shows the wonderfully orange colored under-wings and tail feathers.

When viewing the bird in profile, the stripes and polka dot patterns take prominence. 

A typical woodpecker pose with the tail feathers used as a counter-balance.

A male and female Acorn Woodpecker.

They were 'frozen' at the feeder. I looked to see if a hawk was nearby, but did not see one.

This male has discovered 'butter bark' - a soft suet that is supposed to attract kinglets and warblers as well as woodpeckers.

All I've had are jays and juncos, chickadees, sparrows, and woodpeckers.
I think the winter has been too mild for warblers and kinglets to search out additional sources of food.


  1. Great pics as always. Love the action shot with the flicker's underwings.

  2. Deja Vu! I remember when you stitched the Baubles piece last year! I was noticing today that the Downy's were frozen at the feeder too... Not looking around, not eating, just still... Lasted a couple of minutes at a time. Then it was eating time! I thought the really cold temps (is 23, feels like 10) were affecting them. I look forward to seeing Flickers... tho I know they won't be the orange colors. I filed my GBBC report this morning. Unless there is something new, I won't do it other days. Hugs!

  3. Wonderful seeing the NW birds. I think ours will be angry at us for leaving them for a week!

  4. Those red caps are amazing - such a vivid red.

  5. Those woodpeckers have the most brilliant red heads--stunning! And I do love that "action shot" of my now-favorite flicker! I just love their spots and stripes AND the orange!!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.