Sunday, February 1, 2015

Foggy Mornings Sunny Afternoons

Though the mornings begin damp and foggy, by mid-afternoon the sun is shining.

Foggy or sunny, the squirrels are hard at work. 

This one figured out how to gorge shelled sunflowers.
Doesn't he have a luxurious tail?

In the Squirrel Wars it is Squirrel 1 - Human 0. 

I've since moved the bird feeder.

Mornings are Bath Time.

Mama Doe lovingly groomed her fawn for a good ten minutes.

Front, back, and sides.

The fawn seemed appreciative of the attention.

Solomon was appreciative of the January sunshine!


  1. Mama deer so attentive how adorable! Great photos...

  2. How special that you got to see mama and fawn like that.
    Solomon. I really like that picture.

  3. lol! Now you see how the squirrels can be a problem with the bird feeders! I love how that one is happily feasting! Love the mom deer and youngster. And the kitty sunning that's going on!

  4. Solomon looks so content. So glad that the hummingbirds are doing well. I am looking forward to your February header.

  5. What lovely animal photos! The deer are so sweet! Squirrels are actually cute, but we had several that decided they liked our house and chewed five holes in it to get inside the attic...we weren't happy and now we don't particularly care for them! (our carpenter didn't seem to mind!!)
    I love those precious kitties!

  6. Great shots of the mama deer grooming her baby! Not so fond of the squirrel being rascally and eating the seeds! Glad you moved it! Sometimes don't you wish to be a cat... what an easy life! Hugs!


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