Saturday, January 31, 2015

Hummingbird Saturday

I am pleased to report that the Anna's Hummingbirds have been much more active this week.

I saw three birds at once - the second bird chasing the first, followed by the third bird chasing after the second and first birds!

Generally I see females in the backyard, though the first two photos are of a female in the front of the house. 

At least one female comes to the feeder on the kitchen window first thing each morning.  It's her Starbuck's run - she has to have that quick jolt of nectar each morning to get going. 

Hummingbirds truly are very vulnerable first thing in the morning. Their metabolism is so delicate that they are very run down from not eating and battling cold temperatures during the night.

They awaken very slowly as they have to raise their heartbeat and body temperature.  Then they are in a rush to refuel and recharge.

The male Anna is often at my front feeders.

I think he is beginning to court the attention of the females.

He certainly has on his fanciest feathers!

He can elongate his neck to better show them off.

Our local newspaper has started up its "Anna Cam" once again. There is a hummingbird that nests near one of their windows.  Apparently she is active already. You might find it interesting to look in on her once in a while. Keep in mind the west coast time zone when viewing!


  1. Wow, the male hummingbird is stunning! Great pictures, I love seeing all the beautiful birds that visit your home.

  2. Oh goodie! Love the hummers and I'm glad to hear they are well and are active. The male is so pretty! Have to go look at the Anna Cam. Or at least bookmark it.

  3. Glad you're enjoying the hummers. Beautiful pictures. We've be receiving regular visitors as well. I'm going to check out the Anna Cam.

  4. Oh yeah, that male is ready for courting! He is very brightly colored...

  5. hahaha! Well that tiny male has this females attention. Such gorgeous color.

  6. Great pictures! I love hummingbirds.

  7. I always love seeing your Hummers!

  8. Those pink feathers are stunning - there's something magical about these little birds.

  9. It's always a treat when I sit and catch up on a bunch of your posts!! Thanks for sharing all of your birds, critters, sunsets/sunrises and lovely stitches!


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