Monday, February 2, 2015

And Now It Is February

I made it in under the wire with my last Lizzie Kate snowman. I started stitching on "Snow Fun" the evening of the 31st.
I have moved on to February and have a new blog header up.  I'll post the names of the designers and charts / kits later this week.

I am still enjoying the many gifts I received for Christmas.
My sister-in-law knows me well and knows I'll enjoying placing this family of quail somewhere they can be enjoyed.

I also received a couple of interesting books.  One on woodpeckers, the other on hummingbirds.  The hummingbird book has a life-size photo of each bird.  It has made me want to go birding in Central America!

And what was I to do?  Emma Bridgewater had a super post-holiday sale on 1/2 pint mugs.  So now I have added a Red Grouse, Black-headed Gull, and Song Thrush to my collection. 

And a Fieldfair, Sparrow, and Bittern!


  1. I LOVE the header pictures. ;)
    What a thoughtful SIL.
    Your mug collection is fantastic!

  2. Love the quail family. It'll be great in your yard! Hooray for Emma Bridgewater!

  3. Great mugs! I'll have to pull mine out one day and show them off. the more I visit your page the more I think I should organize and start my snow-belles charts. I have done the snow-men ones already.

  4. Oh I love those half pint mugs! I need to get on their newsletter or something.

    I love those set of quail family you got for your garden.

  5. who could resist those mugs just lovely.

  6. Love your February header. Always do!

  7. Such nice gifts. I love it when people choose gifts that are so appropriate for the receiver.

  8. Love the header. I always look forward to seeing this. The new mugs are fabulous too!

  9. Now that I am enjoying birding too, I want to travel more also! But can't fly so will have to be content to driving around to places... Loving the new mugs...Song Thrush and Field Fair are my faves. Interesting how similar they are! And love the quail stakes! Hugs!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.