Wednesday, February 4, 2015

February Blog Header Revealed

Garden Grumbles & Cross Stitch Fumblers February 2015 Blog Header

Here's all the information you need to add to your stash if any of the patterns catch your eye or heart!

Row #1: Heart in Hand, Monthly Mania "February"; Heart in Hand, "Hearts"; Heart in Hand, "2000 Collector's Heart" (I changed year to 2002).

Row #2: Heart in Hand, "2007 Collector's Heart"Heart in Hand, "2006 Collector's Heart".

Row #3: Heart in Hand, Mother's Wisdom, "Be Nice";  Heart in Hand, "2004 Collector's Heart"; Heart in Hand, "February Wool Whimsey".

Row #4: Heart in Hand, Bits and Pieces "Hodgepodge Hearts"; Heart in Hand, "2003 Collector's Heart"; then over to the left - Heart in Hand, "Be Always Gentle"; Bent Creek, "February Glows"Heart in Hand, Wee One "Be Mine";

Row #5: Heart in Hand, "One Love"; Heart in Hand, "2008 Collector's Heart"; Heart in Hand, "2005 Collector's Heart" (I changed the date to 2006).

I had two days where the Sharp-shinned Hawk was especially active.

The bird worked on the ground near the peanut and suet feeders.
Shortly after this shot, it swung around and snagged a Junco.

Here it is perched on the side of a whiskey barrel.

There is a small conifer planted in the whiskey barrel and the hawk is small enough that it can perch atop the conifer.

A pretty bird and a fierce predator.
I guess all predators are fierce by nature!


  1. Your header is perfect for this month! Great pictures of the hawk. It's amazing what he can catch considering his size. Hope he leaves the hummers alone.

  2. Gorgeous header! Look at those birds posing for you! Nice!

  3. I went through the header pictures to tell you my favorite. There are actually too many.
    Wow! You really got good pictures of that hawk.

  4. Your headers are always such fun to look at!

    That hawk - those eyes! Yikes!

    I have to tell you as I type this I hear another returning spring bird outside though I couldn't tell you what type it is!

  5. Those hawk eyes are something, aren't they?
    I love your header and had a good look at each piece. I will have to pull out my Valentine's bits and pieces when I get home.

  6. The header is so pretty with all the hearts!! Our hawk has not been back that I have seen.

  7. Love your hearts header! Beautiful! You have a great collection. Gorgeous photos of the hawk. love Annette

  8. Love all the hearts! The hawks are always active around here too.

  9. Beautiful photo's. Love your hearts.

  10. LOVE your blog header. See what I did there?

  11. so many really cute pieces in the header... I have pitifully few Valentine or Love pieces... I would be making them for myself... my husband is a grump! My heart is sad about the Junco... tho I know it is a part of the ebb and flow of nature... still doesn't help...

  12. What a GORGEOUS hawk! and your new header! FANTABULOUS!

  13. Your header looks great! I love the hearts.

  14. Gosh, those are just great photos. He's a handsome fella.

    Love the new header. :)

  15. Love the February header, perfect for my blog reading on Valentine's Day!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.