Thursday, February 5, 2015

Bird House and Birds

Design - "Snowy Bird House" (from the border of Six Fat Men series)
Designer - Lizzie Kate
Fabric - 28 count Amber linen
Fibers - Crescent Colors & WDW - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 4 February 2015
Completed - 4 February 2015

I probably go over-board posting about woodpeckers.
I find them amusing and entertaining.

This photo shows three Acorn Woodpeckers and nine Starlings.
Can you find the three woodpeckers? 

Here's an Acorn hard at work drilling a new hole.

See what I mean about amusing?
I've never had two birds perched quite like that before!

Far more often there is just one bird on the suet feeder.

Between the suet and the peanuts I must have the healthiest Acorns in the area. 

They extract the peanuts with such delicacy using only their bills.
I wonder what the Acorns think when they share their perches - this time with a Robin. 

And let's not forget about the Flickers!

As I was getting this post ready, I happened to look out the window and saw this male in a young Douglas Fir tree.

The photos do a nice job showing the bright orange tail feathers.


  1. Your Acorn Woodpeckers are getting to be favorites of mine. I love that pic of the two side by side on the feeder!

  2. Very clever to pull your current finish from the border of another piece! It's a cute finish! And love seeing all the woodpeckers. Yesterday's duos didn't come out in my camera, so... have to try again. NO birds today... it is really windy and temps are dropping fast!

  3. I really want to come and live next door to you so I can have all these wonderful, delightful birds to feed, and photograph--but then I would not get anything else done!!!
    so thank you for sharing sooo many beautiful photos of birds with us--

  4. Love the snow on the back of the cute little cardinal!!!
    I really like the flickers more and more, each time I see them. Such gorgeous feathers!

  5. What a lovely finish, the little snow overcoats on the birds are just adorable

  6. I'm with you, I think the woodpeckers are entertaining to watch too! The last 2 photos of the Flicker in the Douglas Fir tree could be next year's Christmas card. They are perfect!

    PS-love the little birds and the birdhouse from L*K!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.