Friday, February 6, 2015

New To Me

I recently found the designer Tina Woltman on the web and fell in love with her Christmas themed patterns. She had a sale on her website and so I purchased these three charts. Very cool!  

I love how puffy the Quail are on cold mornings. 

Here are six of the seven birds in the covey.

Three of the four guys - strutting their stuff!

I am still seeing large groups of Pine Siskins. I counted over thirty in this Big Leaf Maple.

I'd have a pretty boring Birding Winter without the addition of the Siskins!

"Now wait just a minute!", say my 'regulars' - the House Finch and the Chickadee! 

"We provide a pop of color and interest in the winter months!"

"Each of us males sports a slightly different shade - from orange..."

" hot pink..."

" rosy red!"

"We like to think that we are rather handsome birds!"

"And you are tasty ones as well!", says the Sharp-shinned Hawk. 

The hawk swooped in on the backyard feeders and the other birds scattered like the wind.

"Where'd everyone go?"


  1. I look forward to seeing those new patterns stitched up! Don't think I have seen them done yet... I have not seen that many birds in a grouping except for pests like starlings, grackles and blackbirds! Nice snaps!

  2. Those are great new charts! They look like a fun stitch. The quail are adorable.

  3. I love to see the Quail scurry across the country roads in a long line. We have an old log with a family of metal quail, all in a row on the top. It reminds me of our life in the country.
    I have made one of the Early Workings patterns - a Christmas one with the deer and, I think, the words "A Very Merry Christmas"

  4. Great new designs! Love seeing the variety of birds and all the different male House finches.

  5. Oh the quail are so cute all puffed up! I do love the pop of color with the house finches. They are pretty! The hawk is a pretty fellow too -- too bad he has to eat his prey for a living.

  6. Those are great designs! Thanks for sharing the designer! As usual, I love seeing all the pretty birds. So far, no hawk here yet!

  7. Oh the quail ... I just find them so funny. :)

  8. I must be hungry because those quail look a little.........yummy. Ha! I promise I won't eat them though. ;)

    I've never heard of that designer. Very nice primitive patterns.


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