Tuesday, February 24, 2015

And Here's Another One!

Design - "Be Mine"
Chart - "Valentines"
Designer - Brightneedle
Fabric - 30 count R & R Iced Cappuccino
Fibers - WDW & Anchor - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 22 February 2015
Completed - 23 February 2015

I had a small bit of 30 count Ice Cappuccino linen left, so I thought I'd use it to stitch "Be Mine".

It's Tuesday and the sun is shining.  It must be time for the Tuesday Garden Party.

I think the daffodils are at least three weeks ahead of a 'normal' year.

We had the perfect weather on Saturday for an outdoor project.  
My sister and I have been unhappy with part of the front flowerbed.  So we dug up most of the plants.   

We amended the soil and brought up the level and then replanted.
The witch hazel is now in the back with some tall Japanese iris.
The middle row has perennial fuchsias, a fern, and more iris.
The front has spring bulbs ad primroses.  
I think it looks much better!  

In the same front flowerbed further to the east, the hellebores reign supreme.

Again I think they are blooming far earlier this year.

Their nodding heads can make it difficult to see the pretty blossoms.

Besides working in the front flowerbed, I swept the front porch and brought over all my pots of spring bulbs. 
I have a mix of tulips, daffodils, and muscari.

If you look off to the left you can see the next Big Project!
Weeding the western end of the flowerbed - so many weeds it looks almost like a lawn!

Back to the bulbs.

The little pansies and violas have doubled in size. I think in a few more weeks I'll have lots of color from them as well.

Here's a new primrose - a recent purchase from Xera.

I'll leave you with an exuberant display of daffodils!


  1. Far earlier? I'll say! It's February for Pete's sake! Totally unfair. You look like your spring is going strong. Beautiful!

  2. At least some people are enjoying Spring... I just saw we have not one, but two snow storms headed our way. Ugh! I'm sick of Winter. Your new valentine themed finish is lovely. Enjoy those flowers!!

  3. Daffodils--ha!! It was -9° here when I woke up this morning--I'm so envious!!

    Love your newest finish, too, Beth--I've never seen those charts before...

    Happy gardening :)

  4. That was a quick stitch! Nice too! You are definitely having early spring out there. Not so for us in the east. Snow later today--a smattering, then again Thursday. Temps nowhere near freezing today (much lower!!), but maybe next week--they say 40's for a few days. It could happen...

  5. Another sweet Valentine finish! Cute!
    I LOVE all your beautiful flowers! You are certainly ahead of us!

  6. Lovely Brightneedle piece, it's very appealing. Your hellebores are very pretty Beth.

  7. I am so jealous of all your beautiful flowers! Be Mine is so sweet.

  8. I love Be Mine, perfect for a small piece of fabric. I do love seeing all the flowers! The new primrose is lovely. I heard on the radio that we are 1 month ahead of schedule as far as plants are concerned.

  9. Love your Be Mine finish!

    What, no snow? I need to live where you live.

    Your talent in the garden is impressive.

  10. Daffs are one of my favorites, but we can't grow them this far south. I'll just admire yours. Looks like you've been hard at work and it's paying off. I'd love for you to join us at The Maple Hill Hop! You can find us here: http://mymaplehillfarm.blogspot.com/2015/02/the-maple-hill-hop-69.html?showComment=1424860477857#c5172776822687281975

    Your header is adorable.

  11. Love the daffodils! I'm in Bergen Norway and it's been dark & wet, but today I saw some snow drops popping out so there is hope!

  12. They were both very sweet finishes for Valentines. Something new for next February's banner. :)

    Daffodils! Happy happy! I love those.


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