Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Wednesday Reflection

Design - "This is the Day"
Designer - La-D-Da
Fabric - 36 count Heritage Linen by Picture This Plus
Fibers - NPS - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 9 October 2009
Completed - 31 October 2009

My favorite of the Pslams - 118:24 and a good way to begin each day.

Many of my February mornings have begun with a group of geese flying overhead. 

The Black-capped Chickadees are early morning birds.

A peanut or two for a quick burst of energy!

No different than a powerbar for breakfast, right?

The temperature dropped 27F and the Chickadees put on their down coats. 

The Scrub Jays maintain that they are as comical and entertaining as the Steller's Jays and Acorn Woodpeckers.  What do you think?


  1. Just can't gone wrong with La D DA--beautiful finish and yes it is a great way to begin each day.

  2. I love that La D Da piece. Wow, 27 degree drop in temps? That's quite a contrast!

  3. I'm sorry I don't tell you more often how much I enjoy your posts. Love the latest cross stitch, and all your beautiful bird visitors! Also I very much enjoyed your last post with your flower bed changes and all your spring flowers blooming so beautifully!!

  4. Oh yes! I agree with you totally on the Psalm. What a sweet, great stitch that is Beth. I hope you get it framed someday. :)

  5. Absolutely LOVE that sentiment and your finished stitching of course! La D Da patterns are great! The snow from yesterday is melting today, but tonite we get a whole bunch more!!

  6. You know, every time I see LDD I just adore her designs. This is a pretty one and I like the tiny details on the border!

  7. The scrub jays look good to me. I think they are such a pretty blue.

  8. Beth, I love your stitched piece! It is one of my favourite psalms as well! I just finished 'This is the day' sampler from a 2009 cross stitch magazine.
    It's impossible not to love the chickadees but I agree the scrub jay is very entertaining.

  9. Oooo I like that piece! It's nice to revisit past projects.

  10. What a lovely stitched Psalm!
    (I am a church music director/organist)...Psalm 118 is the Responsorial Psalm for Easter Sunday--one of my favorites!!!
    Those chickadees are so sweet-looking and the blue scrub jay is a rather "electric" color~love it!

  11. Love your finish Beth, it's so pretty and perfect for a gardener! Lovely photos of the birds. The scrub Jay looks very handsome.

  12. Love "This is the Day"! My Chickadees have their downy coat on all winter. I'm just watching the weather and see that the jetstream has changed course and you are going to have much cooler temps. Unfortunately, that means that our temps will still be frigid.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.