Monday, February 23, 2015

February Stitching and Birding

Design - "Be My Valentine"
Chart - "Valentines"
Designer - BrightNeedle
Fabric - 30 count R & R Iced Cappuccino
Fibers - WDW & Anchor - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 17 February 2015
Completed - 22 February 2015

While it took me several days to stitch this, it honestly would work up quickly in a couple of evenings.  I am now working on "Be Mine" another design from this chart. 

From the photos I post, you can be forgiven for thinking that the front feeders belong exclusively to the Acorn Woodpeckers. In fact the Jays, Juncos, Starlings, and Chickadees are all regulars there.

The Steller's Jays can be somewhat comical looking.

I often have four or more birds squabbling and squawking.

The Black-capped Chickadees come in for the hulled sunflower seeds, but also snatch peanuts. 

They take a peanut half to the small Maple tree. They wedge the nut in the crotch of two small branches and then peck away at the peanut and consume it. Pretty smart! 

I think this guy has some peanut crumbs on his bill.

Look at his left foot. It is tightly grasping a peanut. 



  1. Your camera picks up so many great details. I would not have seen the peanut held in the foot! Cool!

  2. That Valentine finish is so pretty!

    That's a great photo of the stellar jay. He is looking pretty comical. Your camera is super-dooper to pick up those tiny details!

  3. Cute pictures of the Chickadees! I see a few at my feeder. I was sad to see one dead under the tree the other day. Had wondered what might have happened. Then a crow carried it off to another tree and ate it. I did not know crows were carnivores.

  4. What a sweet Valentine's finish, Beth!! Love those colors on the fabric that you chose...

    I never tire of Chickadee pictures--they are the cutest little things :)

  5. What a sweet stitch. We had a rare bird treat yesterday. We saw an eagle in a tree behind the house. I saw a white spot on the top of the tree. We got a few really good photos.

  6. Those Stellar's Jays are just so saucy!
    Your little Valentine's work is sweet!

  7. I love your finish! Love Brightneedle. It's sad they stopped designing. Such cute pics of the chickadee. Very clever how they eat their peanuts!

  8. That is the cutest little basket with a tall handle!!!
    I love the little peanut!!!! So funny!

  9. The Chickadees are so cute. I enjoy watching them come to my feeders, but I've not seen them getting peanuts. Love the valentine stitch.


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