Friday, January 30, 2015

High in the Sky

I've made a nice start on "Ready for Snow". I think I'll be able to sneak in a start on the 2nd Lizzie Kate before the month ends.

Thursday morning a large flock of geese flew overhead.

But that was nothing in comparison to all the skeins I saw Tuesday morning.
'V' after 'V' after 'V' honking along as they all headed north.

I would think that late January is a little early to be returning to northern breeding grounds.

But as the Band-tailed Pigeons have already returned here, maybe there is something to this global warming after all.

I managed to see a Sapsucker at work this week.

And I got a pretty good look at a Hairy Woodpecker as well.

I just wish this guy would visit my feeders.

The Flickers certainly are enjoying the suet.

West of the Rocky Mountains the Flickers are Orange-shafted - see the orange on the wings and tail feathers. 

East of the Rockies the Flickers are Yellow-shafted.

A couple of years ago I saw a Flicker that was a mix of yellow and orange.


  1. Your needles are on fire!
    I always find it a little eerie when the geese are coming or going row after row after row.

  2. Sounds like you are way ahead of the normal migration patterns with your warm weather, Beth. I'll send you some of our 21° weather if you'd like :)

    Cute new start and I love seeing the V's of birds in the air, too.

  3. I would love to see that many geese flying over.

  4. Are you REALLY ready for snow?? I am not! Didn't get much bird action today... Brrr... it's cold and windy! Love your shots!

  5. I think your side of the country is just very warm and the geese know it. Our side of the country, on the other hand... The Canada geese are keeping away from here. lol!

  6. All the Flicker pictures are wonderful. Things do seem to be going a bit fast for the time of year. After all, it's only the end of Jan. I am a bit concerned.


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