Thursday, January 22, 2015

Counting Snowmen and Birds

I now have three snowmen under construction!
I should have some finishes to share next week.

I stuck some Valentine heart gels on the dining room window in the hopes of deterring the birds from hitting the window. I never have a problem in the summer, but something about the light in the winter makes the window invisible to the birds. As you can see the feeders are active with an Acorn, a couple of Steller's Jays, and Towhees. 

The Golden-crowned Sparrows have also found the front feeders.

They are generally on the ground eating the spilled seeds.  

They also hang out at the edge of the berm in the backyard.

I had three Acorns at the feeders at the same time today - I counted five birds total waiting in the trees. 

And as you can see I have Starlings too. 


  1. I like the Valentine hearts with the birds and feeders.:)

  2. i love the bird feeders so much..
    big hugs x

  3. Can't wait to see the finished snowmen! You have a great group of BIG birds at the feeders! Mine are opposite--mostly small. Thanks for sharing. Hugs!

  4. Love your snowmen! And your love in the air window ;)

  5. I just hate it when a bird hits our window. So far no fatalities that we can see!

  6. I just hate it when a bird hits our window. So far no fatalities that we can see!

  7. Snowmen are so much fun! You have quite a collection!
    I love all those feeders together! You are serving a bird buffet!!!

  8. So much activity! Glad the hawks are gone for now. 3 snowmen! And they are all so cute! Ack on the birds crashing into the glass! Hope the hearts do the trick.

  9. Another cute snowman! I need to stitch a snowman. I love the view of all those feeders from your dining room window and the valentine hearts really make it festive. Hopefully it helps the birds see the window.


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