Wednesday, January 21, 2015

What Can I Say?

After seeing Carol's wonderful finish on 'Stitching Dreams', I was inspired to kit up "Let It Snow-Man" by the Prairie Schooler.

We don't have any snow, just mild gray days, so there's no excuse. Let's take a walk.

A wandering, winding path through the woods.  Doesn't that beckon you to explore?

During dull gray days, it is nice to see the deep green of our native Sword Ferns.

They manage to stay good looking for most of the winter.

Other greens include lichens...

...and mosses.

Mossy rocks dot our branch of the Big Creek...

...and the Big Creek's main channel a bit further down the road.

I guess the colors of the day are gray, taupe, and green.


  1. Our day's colors are gray and white today. We had warmer weather that melted most of the snow, but got up this morning to everything covered in white. I'd much rather see green! Thanks for the walk!

  2. ooOoo! I love the sword ferns. Same as Pam, it is snowing here in Wisconsin.

  3. I know you'll love stitching this little snowman, Beth (possibly more than once!!)...

    It must be so nice to get out and walk in the wintertime. It is beautifully snowing here right now--that perfect kind of snow that covers each branch and twig on the trees!

  4. This is a cute pattern! Off to see if I can find my 1999 issue:) Carol also inspired me with her cute santas from the Father Christmas leaflet.
    After ten days of deep freeze here in Kentucky we have been in the 50's for five days straight but change is coming. Have not seen snow since Thanksgiving of last year. Love your pictures!

  5. That's a cute design. I know whenever I see Carol's finishes I am always inspired by them!

    Lovely "walk" today!

  6. I love the moss and the lichens! When I look out my bedroom window, I see a whole hillside of sword ferns. I agree, they look good most of the time. Thanks for the delightful walk!

  7. I need green right now. It's so grey around here. Sigh. Lovely pics.

  8. What a lovely landscape--green is my favorite color and your photos look almost magical! I'm not familiar with sword ferns--those are so wonderful. I really like them.
    Precious snowman--one can never go wrong with a snowman stitch!

  9. No snow here--doubt we will see any this winter! I won't be sad... I can live vicariously through friends! We have plenty of green around here, with pine trees and such... AND my lawn has so much moss growing and overtaking the grass! I look forward to seeing another snowman finish... I intend to take one out of my stash very soon and stitch on it! Hugs!

  10. Thank you for the walk, lovely photos. Looking forward to seeing your stitching finish.


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