Friday, January 23, 2015

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Design - "January Snows"
Designer - Bent Creek
 Fabric - 32 count Country French Cafe Mocha linen
Fibers - GAST & WDW - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 5 January 2011
Completed - 8 January 2011

When all else fails, there's the Cross Stitch Archives at hand.
I hope you enjoyed this blast from the past.

I counted five Acorn Woodpeckers in the trees a couple of days ago.

I think I have three guys and two gals.

He knows, but he's not saying.

I have oodles of Flickers. 

I had five in the backyard and two in the sideyard.
I like this photo as you can see the white rump feathers. These feathers are very noticable as the birds fly away.  My sister has been known to shout out "Flicker butt!".

These two were grooming and preening.


  1. Beautiful stitching and lovely pictures x

  2. Love the snowman!
    All the birds are terrific, such great pictures.

  3. Love all the woodpeckers you have at your feeders!! And having NEVER seen a flicker at a feeder, this is very exciting to me! Laura

  4. Love the snowman! Bent Creek designs are terrific! I haven't seen the red-bellied woodpecker all week, and the Downy only one morning... sad face. The finches and swallows are still visiting tho! Will post pics tomorrow... Hugs!

  5. Still love those acorn woodpeckers. Love the snowman too. Hope those hawks aren't causing trouble.

  6. Cute snowman! I had to chuckle at "Flicker butt", lol

  7. The flickers are pretty. Also, love the snowman!!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.