Monday, October 20, 2014

Birds Abound

Design - "Whoo"
Chart - "Hocus Pocus"
Designer - The Prairie Schooler
Fabric - 32 count Lambswool linen
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 14 October 2014
Completed - 16 October 2014

I've fallen asleep listening to the owls the past few nights, so this is an appropriate seasonal stitch!

Besides the owls...

The darned Starlings are back and at my peanut feeders.
The Acorn Woodpeckers drive them away thank goodness!  

It's almost time for the Turkey Vultures to head off to South America.

We watched a bird documentary the other day and it is amazing to think that soon these same birds will be cavorting with Andean Condors in Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, and Peru. 

I keep hoping that a Hairy Woodpecker or two will try out my bird feeders, but so far I've not had any takers.
On a walk the other day I spied a tiny Brown Creeper eating insects as it inched its way up a tree, then flitted down a few feet only to start the climb up once again.

The House Finches have been absent for a while, so I was pleased to see this handsome fellow.

I continue to have lots of Goldfinches.  In past years they've disappeared before November's end.  It will be interesting to see if they chose to stick around this year. 

And my flock of little Bushtits has returned.  I heard their high-pitched chatter and found them easily enough.  Last winter they ate suet fairly regularly, I am hoping once the weather turns that they become repeat customers.

And now for a Solomon-cat update.

First off thanks to everyone human and furry who sent good wishes.  Solomon is making the smallest of strides.  His temperature has come down, and with re-hydration, 3 kinds of antibotics, vitamin B12, and cortisone he is eating once again and is more alert.  He was at the vet Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, and will return on Monday and Tuesday for more shots and a report on the DNA analysis of his mouth ulcers.  He has been one very sick kitty cat.


  1. I never thought about the ugly vultures flying south. Very interesting. I was watching one yesterday. He was having fun swooping around and around on the wind.
    All our goldfinches are gone. :(
    I am still praying for your boy Solomon.♥

  2. Goldfinches are long gone here in RI, the Purple house finches have not yet arrived. They always appear with a flock of sparrows and decimate my feeders. Hummingbirds ( actually are only one) has left too, but i keep the feeder up for awhile for the chickadees who love a sweet drink too. Thinking good thoughts for Solomon, we have all been in your shoes...:( .

  3. Glad Solomon is at least holding his own Beth, I hope he makes some progress over the next few days.

  4. Oh, I'm hoping Solomon continues to improve, Beth--you must be so very worried...

    Your little owl finish is so cute and even though the turkey vultures so exceedingly ugly, I enjoyed reading about them. Had no idea they migrated that far south!

  5. Thanks for the update on Solomon--so glad he is doing better! I find it interesting to see the colors of the birds changing... Great pictures as always. I have gone on website and read the maps that show the migrations of certain birds and where they spend their seasons. Great site for newbies!

  6. Beth,thanks for the update on Solomon. I hope he continues to improve and am sending all good thoughts and prayers your way.

  7. Gorgeous gorgeous birds! Their finest rival the most elaborate tapestries! Thank you so much for sharing. We would never get to see many of these birds in NE Florida.

  8. Poor Solomon. I hope he continues to improve. It's tough getting old, whether you are a cat or a human. Love all the bird pics. The vultures look so so bizarre. I think these are the best pics I've seen of them too!

  9. I went to the end of the post to check on Solomon. I am so glad to hear he is making progress. I will continue to hope for the best for him! What a red house finch!!

  10. I'm so sorry to hear about kitty. The poor thing. :(

  11. Another cute bird finish.

    I am sorry Solomon hasn't feeling well. I hope he's better now! Poor kitty.

  12. I am glad Solomon is doing better.

    Aren't the vultures ugly birds? I didn't know they travelled so far. It is pretty amazing when you think about how far some of the birds migrate.

  13. I forgot to mention how much I like your latest owl finish! I will have to go check to see if I own this chart or not.... :)

  14. I hope Soloman continues to improve. Wonderful stitching. Ugly vultures! :)


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