Sunday, October 19, 2014

Sunday Still Humming Along

These Hummingbird photos were taken at the beginning of October, and for some reason I never got around to sharing them.

There is a female Anna's Hummingbird... 

...who has taken to perching on the dried stalks of Oriental Lilies. 

They make a great lookout...

...allowing her to survey the Mudroom Flowerbed.

The Agastache behind her is still in bloom... are several of the Salvias.

So she has lots of nectar to guard and protect. 

I see her first thing in the morning and at dusk.
I'm beginning to wonder if she spends the night here.


  1. Beautiful little birds, I do enjoy seeing them. How are things with Solomon, I was thinking of him yesterday and hoping things improved.

  2. These are fantastic photos of her Beth. Hugs and prayers to you and Solomon.♥

  3. What amazing pictures! I love this so much -- wow! Hope Solomon is doing better.....

  4. Do your hummers at some point leave for the south? I'm from Michigan and mine leave the middle of September.

  5. Incredible little birds. Ours have not been at the feeder much but when I'm on the front porch, I see and hear her or him at the top of our Paper Bark Maple. So I know they are still around.

  6. Great pictures! She may have stayed in your yard overnite. I read another blogger's post about a hummer that never left her yard, was there in the same spot in the morning. It could happen!

  7. What a sweet little bird. Great pictures.


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