Tuesday, October 21, 2014

A Wonderful Market Visit

Design - "Spooky"
Chart - "Hocus Pocus"
Designer - The Prairie Schooler
Fabric - 32 count Lambswool linen
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 14 October 2014
Completed - 17 October 2014 

This design resembles a Tarot card and when upright the owl is on top...

...turn it upside down to admire the smiling bat!

How did it get to be Tuesday already? As I am writing this it is pouring buckets.  So for the Garden Party I'll go back in time to our lovely weekend and our wonderful Farmers' Market.   

We had a picture-perfect weekend and with a 5:00pm football game Saturday, the Farmers' Market was bustling shoppers and looky-loos.  

October is all about Winter Squash.  I am always amazed at the different colors and shapes.

October is a month of abundance.

Lots of tomatoes and peppers.

And Mystery Veggies too like Celeriac and Rutabegas and Parsnips.

I am more comfortable with old standards like potatoes.

Also grapes, apples, pears and figs.

In the cut flower stands the Dahlia reigned supreme!

Who says a mid-October market is dull?
Look at all that wonderful color!

I was pleased to see three or four bakeries at the market.
I did not go away empty-handed!


  1. What a beautiful Farmer's Market!! I wish we had some as nice as that around here. I wouldn't be able to walk away empty handed either.

  2. I think the lemon lovelies on the baking stand would have tempted me:-)

  3. What a gorgeous market visit. So vibrant! And yummy!

  4. Beautiful market photos! Thanks for sharing! And I love Prairie Schooler--my favorite! Very cute!

  5. I like that spooky owl!

    The market looks great. My favourite photo is that of the treats at the end! :-)

  6. Okay--tomorrow we are going to visit OUR local Farmer's Market! Gee, I sure hope they are open!! Thanks for sharing!

  7. Love that finish -- it's wonderful! I'm envious you got to get some baked goods. Love seeing the pretty farmer's market!

  8. What a cute stitch Spooky is!! A wonderful market. I love all the different squash and pumpkins. So much wonderful color!

  9. Beautiful farmers market and I too would not of walked away with out a treat from one of the bakery's there:)
    love Annette

  10. Love your owls. I am laughing that you completed this one before you started it! Must be witch craft! Thanks for all your lovely sharing.

  11. Definitely 'spooky!'. Looks like a lovely Farmers Market.


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