Monday, September 1, 2014

September Arrives

A new month and a new blog header!
This month we are All About Bugs.

Horizontal Rows as follows -
Row #1: Alessandra Adelaide, "Coccinella"; Hog River, "Duh Ladybug"

Row #2: Heart in Hand, "Ladybug, Ladybug"; Heart in Hand, "Curio - Ladybug"; Ewe & Eye & Friends, "Slow Poke"; Knotted Tree, "Little Bugs - Butterfly"; Knotted Tree, "Little Purple Beetle"

Row #3: Heart in Hand, "Monthly Mania - June"; Country Cottage Needleworks, "Dragonfly"; Knotted Tree, "Little Bugs - Lady Bug"; Knotted Tree, "Pink Butterfly".

Row #4: Country Cottage Needleworks, "Ladybug"Country Cottage Needleworks, "Bumblebee"; Birds of a Feather, "Cute as a Bug"; The Prairie Schooler, "Summer & Winter" - "August"; Knotted Tree, "Little Gold Bumble Bee"; Hog River, "Lady Bug Sampler".

Row #5: Just My Imagination, "Ladybug Picnic"; Ewe & Ewe & Friends, "Doodle Bugs".

Changes continue in the Bird World.  
The Black-headed Grosbeaks left sometime late last week.

Now I see more and more Mourning Doves.

And more Song Sparrows.

The Song Sparrows are living up to their name and singing once again.

I have more White-crowned Sparrows too.

This youngster is feasting on thistle seed.

I've seen a large flock (12-15 birds) of Cedar Waxwings flying overhead several times. 

Unfortunately they've not stopped close by. 

This may well be the last sighting of a Western Tanager for this year.

Most of my summer residents have left the area including the Warblers and the Flycatchers. 

These darling little Wilson's Warblers fly all the way to Belize to spend the winter! If you'd like to learn more about the Warbler you can listen to a two minute audio file here.


  1. beautiful stitches..i love your finishes so much..
    hugs x

  2. That was interesting to learn about the Wilson's Warblers!

    The September header is very cute!

  3. Another lovely walk...great way to start a new month!

  4. I love the "buggy"header! I bet you hate to see that pretty little bird leave.

  5. Your new header has to be one of my favourites, lovely combination Beth. I look forward to the start of each month to see what you choose.

  6. I absolutely love your new header! Fantastic! Love seeing the birds too. The yellow birds are always so beautiful.

  7. Love the header. Guess I'm a big fan of bugs!

  8. Oh I love your buggy header :) I've stitched one or two of those myself!
    Sad to see you birdies leave....and shocking to say they are leaving for the summer...where has time gone?!

  9. I really hate bugs because they make me scream like a girl *ahem* but I do love this header. :)


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.