Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Morning Glories and Garden Blooms

Design - "September's Morning Glory"
Designer - Cottage Garden Samplings
Fabric - 32 count French Lace linen
Fibers - WDW, GAST, & DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 10 August 2014
Completed - 31 August 2014

Yea!  I managed to get this finished in August as part of my goal to turn UFO's into WIPs and then WIPs into finished stitches. 

Yet another really pretty design in this series.  I think the Morning Glories are stunning! So detailed.

Very life-like when compared to the real thing! 

It's Tuesday and time to join in the Garden Party!

I had to start off the Garden Party by featuring the amazing Wall of Flowers that faces the parking lot of Gray's Nursery.

The large black plastic planters are planted out in the spring with heat-loving annuals and by mid-July they've got a Wall of Color! 

I tried for a Wall of Color in a smaller way with this Thurnbergia vine.

I'm pretty pleased with my plants on the west-facing Back Patio.

I especially like the forms and textures of this staging area.

It's mostly sedums...

...with some echeverias..

...and a few funky tender succulents.

I've got still more in pots along the edge of the patio.

I'm flirting with Deer Danger as they can walk right up.

So I attempt to remember to spray 'liquid fence' (deer repellent) once a week.

And yes, still more sedums and succulents!

I bought a Bog Sage (Salvia uliginosa) a couple of months ago.  This moisture loving salvia is supposed to grow to heights of over five feet!

And here's a Mystery Plant that appeared out of no where!

It has large serrated leaves and big white blooms.
Anyone recognize it? 

In September I have to pay homage to my sister's Dahlia Garden. 

It is an explosion of color right now!

Do you have any large gardening projects in mind? I know a highly qualified supervisor!


  1. Your succulents and sedums are fantastic!
    Love to see your sister's dahlias. I have many purple ones right now. I hope to get ahead of the game next year and start some pink ones, as my pink ones died.

  2. Your stitching turned out just lovely! I'm almost finished with the August one. I really love this series. :-)

  3. Congrats on the lovely finish! Such a pretty piece!

    And the garden chez vous is awash in colour. Everything looks great (unlike my neglected plot!)

  4. Lovely little design from CGS. It's a perfect September stitch! Oooh your morning glories and dahlias!! They are magnificent! You have quite the touch for succulents! Mine always seem to die but we have one little one, called Hobbit town that still keeps living! Love your little helper!

  5. Such a darling finish, Beth! You're right--those morning glories are spectacular (both real and stitched!).

    Your sister's dahlias are so pretty, too--I wish her luck at the Dahlia Show!

  6. Love love love that Morning Glory finish! Wonderful! Your garden isn't bad either. lol! so pretty, and love your sister's dahlias!

  7. Another beautiful header Beth! Love it! You know I am so enjoying your Cottage Garden stitching. The morning glory is beautiful. I always think of my BF as this is her favourite flower. Your succulents are gorgeous. Your passion for gardening continues to impress me endlessly (and stitching and birds and wildlife and...) :)
    Your sister's dahlias are gorgeous. The wall of flowers at the nursery is so eye catching.
    You have a number of qualified supervisors to help you - what a great picture!

  8. That Sept. finish is so pretty. Your morning glory vines are just beautiful and your sedums are doing great. Our Autumn Joy is getting ready to bloom. Your sister's dahlias are spectacular!

  9. Lovely lovely lovely! So much color!

  10. Oh what a feast for the eye! Love all the pictures of your gorgeous plants. I re-did my flower box on Friday, taking out the petunias which had given up and replacing them with chrysanthemums -- I LOVE mums! Can't wait for cooler temps too. Thanks for a wonderful post.

  11. I love both your and your sister's gardens! I wish I had green fingers. Mine always looks shabby. I think September might be my favourite of this series so far. I love the contrast between the autumn colours and the bright pinks and blues of the Morning Glory.

  12. How pretty! The dahlias look like fireworks in your collage....

  13. Your big white volunteer flower is a Moonflower. The bees adore them and line up in the early evening waiting for the flowers to unfurl!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.