Sunday, August 31, 2014

Everything in late August is Taupe and Brown

It's late August. Everything 'natural' is brown and crisp and dry.
The deer linger close to the house in search of a bit of green and moisture...

...and a morning nap.

Why not?

Have a rest!

I can't think of a caption for this!

This deer was bounding around - running and playing.

Even though I spray deer repellent, the deer are working over the flowerbeds pretty hard now.  

They'll eat most anything that's green this time of year.

And they aren't overly bother by me chastising them!

You talking to me lady?


  1. I never cease to be amazed at "your herd".

  2. I enjoyed the hummingbirds yesterday and the deer today. I can remember the very first time I visited your blog and was amazed at the creatures who visited your garden.

  3. They are beautiful! Such a treat to see all three of them at once!

  4. Great deer photos! I think everything outside is thirsty. The cat next door frequents our bird bath for a drink of water! That does not please me.


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