Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Autumn Stitch Autumn Walk

Design - "Happy Black Black Cat"
Designer - The Trilogy
Fabric - 32 count
Fibers - GAST - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 14 September 2014
Completed - 16 September 2014

This cat stitch has all the hallmarks of an autumn stitch. 
Above is the black cat without whiskers.

Here he is with whiskers.
Vote on your preference please.

Tom's vote is for an Orange Tiger cat!

The temperature has cooled to the upper 70's, and the winds have shifted so the skies are blue and we are forest-fire smoke free.  Sounds like perfect weather to take a walk.

Many of the trees are stressed from our hot dry summer. I think we aren't going to have much in the way of autumn color this year.  

The Vine Maple normally puts on a pretty show.  This year the only plants I could find with color are those growing along the bank of the Big Creek.  

While the leaves of the wild cherries are bright green, they all hang limply from the branches.

Oaks like hot dry summers so they appear in good shape.

But look as I might, this is on the only acorn I could find. 

We have two large wild Dogwoods.  One is in the bright sun on an exposed hillside and it does not look very good.  This one is growing under the shade of a Douglas fir tree and I think we might get some fall color from it.

Our wild apple tree managed to set some fruit high up out of the reach of the deer. 

A lovely spray of rose hips!

The leaves of the Thimbleberry are turning a pretty bronze color.

There are a few blackberries that remain on the vine.  I expect the birds will eat them soon.  The deer are eating all that they can reach. 

An abundance of thistle seeds - where are the Goldfinches I ask you!

There is still a pool or two of water in the Big Creek.  I am sure the animals and birds are most appreciative.

Many of the Ash have lost there leaves, but this one continues to glow green in the sun.

I cannot begin to compete with Michelle at Tales of a Stitching Mouse in the mushroom department.  Still I think this is a handsome group. 

That was a nice walk.  Now it's time to find a spot of sunshine and take a nap.


  1. I love the whiskers. :)
    And the color of the alphabet.

  2. I think it looks more Halloweenie without the whiskers. :D Great walk! Starting to look like fall!

  3. I prefer the whiskers. Tom might prefer no more cats!

  4. I kind of don't love the whiskers, they're so harsh. But it doesn't look right without them. Maybe one strand of a darker color? Love the alphabet though!

  5. I love it and it does look more Halloweeny without the whiskers.

  6. Love that black cat! So cute!

    It definitely feels like Fall is creeping in today!

  7. Mm, think I agree with Anna, change the colour OD the whiskers . Thanks for the walk around the garden!

  8. I like the whiskers, but agree they might need to be a different color. I wish our temps would make it to 70. Glad you're temps have cooled off for you.

  9. I think I like the whiskers best. We look much the same up here, more brown than pretty.

  10. I vote WITH the whiskers. Darling stitching:) love Annette

  11. As always, your photography is lovely! So pretty!
    I think that kitty needs whiskers!!! Whatever color you decide is fine, but he's gotta have them--I've never seen a cat without......too cute!

  12. I think the whiskers are too stark, I would either go without or with a darker colour.

  13. Oh what a handsome kitty! (I just ordered him - one of the side effects of your beautiful blog is enabling! :) ) I love the whiskers! I enjoyed the walk and continue to marvel at your keen eye and ability to find beauty everywhere (including those gorgeous 'live' cats!) Thanks as always Beth for sharing the beauty in your world with us!

  14. Love this cat and my black cats!

  15. I prefer with whiskers but perhaps in a darker shade ... a grey maybe.
    A lovely walk, the shades of Autumn, beautiful.

  16. I'm thinking a dark gray whisker would work well, Beth. Think the white ones make him look too "cutesie." Did the cats vote yet?


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