Saturday, August 30, 2014

Hummingbird Saturday

The small Maple tree is a favorite perch for the Hummingbirds. 

I thought all the Rufuous Hummingbirds had left.

But in looking at these photos, I have to change that statement to most of the Rufous have left. 

There are still a couple around.

Enjoying my plants for a few more days...

...before they depart.

Take your time leaving!

The Anna's will stay here even in the depths of Winter.

Right now my Fuchsias are the preferred food source.

Somehow this whole hoovering business is just fascinating! 

Wings beating so fast they are a blur.

Precision flying

Precision perching (Rufous once again!)

This fat little one has to be a fledgling.


  1. Some truly pretty pictures today Beth. :)

  2. Love that last pic -- such a cute little one! Love hummers!

  3. All so lovely! You take the best photos. love Annette

  4. Your camera(and you)really captures these little beauties!

  5. It is absolutely amazing how you capture these great hummer shots...I have them visit on the front porch on occasion but they are so quick / in and out / can't imagine getting a good photo. Loved these :)

  6. Great shots! I still have my hummers around as well though I'm sure it's not for long.
    We *just* had a carolina wren pair stop nesting on our deck, which I thought was odd, this late in the season. I tried to stay away from that end of the deck as much as a could but it sounded like she had a full house of chicks in there. They fledged midweek but I've seen some of them hopping about on the ground.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.