Thursday, June 19, 2014

Stitching Flowers Watching Birds

Here's my current stitch.  There will be a beeskep in this design, and a couple of bees as well, I promise! 

Sue asked if I'd used the called for linen and threads when I stitched "August's Poppy."  I did indeed.  The designer has a blog and kindly lists the fabrics and fibers for each of her designs.  Here's the link for "August's Poppy". 

I've kinda' focused on plants the past couple of days, so let's take a look at what's been happening in Birdland.

My male Flicker has become a regular at the peanut feeder. 

I like this photo.  
He looks as though he is wearing polka dotted bloomers and black and white zebra-striped 'tails'.
Here's a rather soggy Scrub Jay post-bath.

Most of the Evening Grosbeaks have left for the higher elevations of the Cascade foothills.  Every year my sister begs some of the birds to stick around with the promise of "Free Food!"  This year I think we still have three couples in residence.  This is good because we are then likely to have a couple of really cute Grosbeak fledglings later in the summer.

I'd just comment that I had not seen my male Downy Woodpecker in a couple of weeks, and boom, there he was back at the suet feeder! 

Last night I dreamed that I had four Acorn Woodpeckers on the rim of one of my birdbaths!  It was only a dream.  Here's a male at the suet feeder.  

And a female at the peanut feeder. No sign of fledglings the past couple of days. 

The finches have such pretty summer songs.

And they are arrayed in their finest feathers too.

The Chestnut-backed Chickadees have totally disappeared from the feeders, as have most of the Black-capped Chickadees.  I hear the Chickadees calling out to each other as they flit among the forest canopy. Once in a while a Black-capped deigns to come to the feeder for a seed or two before leaving once again for the forest.

One year ago today Mom and I visited the Chelsea Physic Garden. One of London's Hidden Gems!


  1. I like the flowers in your new stitch! I always enjoy your bird pics. They are always so wonderful. It's a treat for me to see the wildlife at your feeders.

  2. Great colors for the flowers--nice and summery! Look forward to seeing more, of course! Finches are favorites to cute, and they DO have pretty songs! Hugs!

  3. I like your new start! I have become more partial to orange flowers lately, not sure why but I think it's a good sign as it's a happy colour!

    Nice seeing all your wonderful birds.

  4. Pretty red flowers - look forward to seeing more of it.

  5. So many wonderful birds and I love the color of the flower!

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  7. Beth, the picture of the bedraggled (post bath) scrub jay is priceless! Love the flickers and acorn woodpecker! Our downy and hairy woodpeckers have been at the peanut feeders and for the first time in eight years, we have the red breasted grosbeak (a male and female)!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.