Wednesday, June 18, 2014

A Mid-June Stitch and Walk

Design - "Busy Bees & Beeskep"
Chart - "Letters Part 1"
Designer - The Cricket Collection
Fabric - 30 count R & R Old Mill Java linen
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 11 June 2014
Completed - 12 June 2014

I changed the color of the "B" and used DMC 3012 rather than the charted color of DMC 3011.

As you can see I am enamored of all things "Bee".
I have a small collection of honey jars that I display in the summer.

For the past week the outside world has reverberated with the sound of helicopters from 7:30am until 6:30pm.

The city of Eugene removed a large stand of Douglas Fir as the first step to restoring the area to native prairie and oak savanna. Helicopter logging was deemed to leave the lightest footprint. 

And lucky me - the landing was just one hill over!  Noise, noise and more noise.  Sometime I wonder where the phase, "Oh the quiet countryside" every came from!

So let's ignore the roar of the rotor blades because after several grey days, the sun is shining.  Let's go for a walk.       

See!  Blue sky!

And doesn't Nature create pretty bouquets?
Grasses and Vetch.

I discovered a second Elderberry on the property.  We should have lots of berries for the birds.

The Ocean Spray (Holodiscus discolor) is in bloom.  This native grows from British Columbia down into California and east to Montana. 

While we have it scattered about the property, most of the plants are along the banks of the Big Creek.

June means the meadows are dotted with daisies.

June is also the time many plants and trees set fruit.
The native Dogswoods have done so.

By mid-summer most everything has bloomed and fruited or is the the process of blooming.

I found a nice big Nootka Rose shrub.

The flowers are small, but bright in color. 

If the flowers mean anything, we should have a good crop of Blackberries.

We have a new crop of Oak Galls.  It is amazing to me that small parasitic wasps create these.

I think the Douglas' Spiraea (Spiraea douglasii) is prettier in bud...

than in bloom. 

Look, a wonderfully strong stand of Columbia Tiger Lily in bloom!

And after I complained a couple of weeks ago, I'm pleased to see more Mimulus in bloom too.

The Bitter Cherries (Prunus emarginata) are heavy with fruit and the birds are chomping down. I find the pits along the edges of the birdbaths when I clean and refill them.
We'll end out walk today back at a meadow with the Blue Dicks providing punctuation to the green of the grass.

One year ago today Mom and I took a Thames River cruise to Hampton Court. 


  1. What a lovely walk today. You comment about the noise of helicopters reminds me of something I read once. " There are no noises in the country only sounds".....I am sure you will be glad to have the sounds back.

  2. Great B stitch - that letter series is wonderful.
    I hope you get some peace and quiet now. I'm used to heli racket, as I live close to a major hospital, and to the local soccer stadium (the Police survey the area before and after any game). Fortunately it's not too frequent, but boy is it annoying - you have all my solidarity.

  3. Love your stitchy finish. So pretty! Love those designs! Ugh on the helicopters, but at least they are being environmentally friendly. :D Love the beautiful nature pics!

  4. "B" is so pretty & sweet I love it! And I like your collection of beehive jars. Oh the noise of the helicopters would get old fast. Hang in there. Beautiful walk today:)
    love Annette

  5. What a pretty post. It's good to get caught up a little. I haven't forgotten you - it's just a little crazy with the house on the market.
    Your Ocean Spray is quite a bit ahead of ours - can't wait to see the frothy blooms along the drive.

  6. A wonderful walk. I am especially fond of the Columbia Tiger Lilly. What a great little honey jar collection.

  7. Your collection of honey jars is so neat! They look perfect tucked up on the little corner shelf.

  8. First time seeing your honey jar collection--did not know you collected them! Perfect timing to show them to us after the cute B finish! I live in Hampton Roads... home to many, many military bases. We have lots of noise here, daily. It is the norm to me...

  9. Love the walk, thank you. Wonderful finishes - this one and the one in the last post. Hope you get a bit of peace and quiet.

  10. I am totally in love with your honey jars! I love all things "bees" too!

  11. Logging by helicopter is certainly unusual! My son's school is the local landing spot for the air ambulance, so the children get very excited whenever it lands on their field.

    Have you seen this new bee freebee?

  12. What a great walk with lots of beautiful flowers. I love your honey jar collection too.

    I can only imagine how irritating the helicopter must have been for you.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.