Friday, June 20, 2014

It's Friday!

It's Friday and I'm stitching away.

The weather is sunny once again, the helicopters are gone, and we are happy!

One female Evening Grosbeak

Two ladies

Three gals!
So I think it is safe to say we have three Grosbeak couples in the area.

Tom-Cat and I went on a Walkabout the other morning...

And in a stand of young Douglas Fir trees...

...a group of Bushtits were hard at work. 

The Bushtits have not visited my feeders for a couple of months now, so I was glad to see that they are still active.  

They are rather acrobatic birds and cling on the backs of leaves and branches to glean insects. 

They flit and flutter and chatter non-stop.

Also making a short visit late in the evening was...

A Red-breasted Sapsucker. 

Two years ago there were two nests very close to the house.
Not this year, but at least they do 'come by'.

One year ago today Mom and I wandered around exploring the Bloomsbury area and the University of London. 


  1. Two projects at once--welcome to the club! Love the name Sapsucker... makes me giggle! Hugs!

  2. You are doing very well with your bee theme stitching!

    Funny the grosbeaks just have that frowny-grumpy look, don't they? Ahh, the bushtits are such busy little birds. I love them.

    Happy weekend, Beth!

  3. Glad that you got rid of the helicopters :-) Have a lovely stitchy weekend

  4. Yay! No more helicopters! :) Love the color of the grosbeak beaks.

  5. The red breasted sapsucker is another bird I don't think I have ever seen. All the sun must be in Oregon. We had a bit of sun but lots of clouds and very chilly. Just being across the sound from Seattle our temps went down, 68 in Seattle and only 62 here!

  6. The more I see of your bee stitching the more I feel tempted to browse through my stash and look for bee patterns myself, lol. Such a great theme!
    Always nice to see all the birds.

  7. Love all your pretty birds. And also your new bee stitching! I have some 'bee' stash and I think I'll have to get it out! Fun!


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