Sunday, June 22, 2014

How We Spent the Solstice

Did you take advantage of every minute of Solstice sunshine?
We certainly had a most pleasant day here.  

I had hummingbirds, left, right and center!
Up to three at a time on the Back Patio. The most I've seen thus far.

I like this photo showing the tail feathers all spread out.
Just like a Tom-Turkey, the fanned feathers are a sign of aggression.  

Some of the green feathers are an exact match for the salvia leaves.

I think the bird in this photo looks like a mini-helicopter.

But this female Rufous Hummingbird takes the cake.

She perched atop an azalea in the mudroom flowerbed, the better to survey 'her territory'.  

Puffed and ruffled - signs of aggression.

Trim and sleek.

She paid me no mind at all.

Such a pretty fierce little bird.

Some of us found all the extra Solstice daylight to be completely exhausting!

And while we've no Stonehedge here... chance our house is set up like the temple at Abu Simbel.
On the evening of the Soltice, the sun shines straight down the hallway.  We've just missing a statue of a pagan god or two for atmosphere!

One year ago today Mom and I explored the London Bridge area of London.


  1. It was too hot and stuffy to be outside in the afternoon here... but we made the most of the morning :-) Love that picture of the sun in your hallway.

  2. I know I am always in for a treat when I sit down with my cup of tea to catch up on your posts! It's always fun going on walks with you, seeing your trail photos, seeing all your birds and critters and, of course, your stitching! I know who to ask if I can't find a bee chart!

  3. Beth, thanks for explaining what the various behaviours mean. You have some priceless pictures of the hummingbirds.I guess if you are that tiny, you have to be mighty to last! Great cat pictures - no one can do relaxed better than a cat!

  4. Beautiful looking sun in your hallway :)
    Sending you big hugs x

  5. Just been catching up with all your recent posts, I had no internet access for several days. I loved the play on the name chipmunk! The hummingbird and cat photos made me smile.

  6. Gorgeous photos - you are truly a talented photographer.

  7. Pretty cool about your hallway! I like that! Love all the hummingbird pics. lol -- that puffed up female is so cute! Never seen that before! Love hummers so much!

  8. Wonderful posts! Love all the pics! We spent the Solstice celebrating Hubby's birthday. It was a hot, humid day with some heavy thunderstorms. We had hail and wind and rain that dropped 4 inches in just over an hour.

  9. It was wonderful weather here and I spent the whole day outside, reading a lot and gardening a bit. But in the evening I had to go inside and watch the German soccer team playing their second match at the world cup. So I couldn't enjoy the last sunbeams of the longest day.
    Wonderful pictures of the hummingbirds.


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