Monday, June 23, 2014

September Stitch June Birds

I've kitted up Cottage Garden Samplings "September's Morning Glory". My sister always grows some morning glories in her kitchen garden. Perhaps they'll be in bloom by the time I've finished this.

Here's the first Bird Report of the Summer.
Lots of American Goldfinches at the feeder.

The females are pretty in a rather quiet way.

The guys are loud and yell-ow now.

I've counted three males Black-headed Grosbeaks and at least two females.

Here's one of my Evening Grosbeak couples.  My sister thinks they might have a nest in the forest near her Dahlia Garden. 

And now a Begging Baby!

This poor male House Finch dad was just trying to get a bite to eat.

The baby fluttered and chattered non-stop even while managing to get and eat sunflower seeds unassisted.  

Almost every evening a Red-breasted Sapsucker comes to one of our large Douglas Fir trees.  This evening he found a bit of metal and pounded away happily quite pleased with the racket he made.

Another evening Mom and I were surprised by a brief visit from...  

...a Wilson's Warbler.

As you can see I had problems getting the camera to focus.
He was even a brighter yellow than the goldfinches - and that's saying something!

He popped into the blackberries and then disappeared.
I did see a Wilson's Warbler about a month ago in the oaks near the road and took a slightly better photo then.  

One year ago today Mom and I visited the Geffryre Museum.


  1. Enjoy the new stitch! What fun to see all the bird activity :-)

  2. Those morning glories are going to be very striking--look forward to seeing them stitched! AND I look forward to seeing the dahlias! Great bird report as always! I am getting good at recognizing many birds, thanks to your blog! Not all... but many... Hugs!

  3. Happy stitching..
    Sweet hugs x

  4. It's always lovely to see your bird visitors.

    I like your new September stitch!

  5. How exciting it would be to see baby Evening grosbeaks! Love the morning glory stitch; they are one of my favorite flowers as they hold memories of my grandmother.

  6. So many great birds to see around your place! And your next stitch looks just as pretty as the August one! Love morning glories!

  7. Cute stitch project! I haven't purchased any in this series, but every time I see one, I think I should! Always a pleasure seeing your feathered friends!


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