Tuesday, June 17, 2014

June Garden August Stitch

Here it is in all its glory!  
I don't know why it took me so long to stitch this.

Design - "August's Poppy"
Designer - Cottage Garden Samplings
Fabric - 28 count Waterlily linen
Fibers - GAST, WDW, & DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 30 March 2014
Completed - 10 June 2014 

I love the colors. The informality of the poppies is perfectly captured in this design.  Wonderful. Another winner in this super series. 
As it turns out this is a great stitch to feature on Tuesday's Garden Party over at An Oregon Cottage.

I even have a couple of poppies in bloom in the garden!

The light pink is called "Princess Louise" and the deeper fuchsia is called "Patty's Plum".

Mid-June is a good time to walk around and see how the plants are doing and what is in bloom - are there any surprises?

I'm pleasantly surprised the deer haven't eaten these candelabra primroses!

As you can see, I have lots of different things in bloom.

Of all my many fuchsias...

I think this funky one called "Splendid" is my current favorite.

I find I'm really taken with tender begonias too. It's a great way to honor the women in your past.  Your great-grandmother probably had a plant or two in her parlor.

The shaded nook on the Back Patio is doing really well.

I've loaded up on mimulus this year.

The plants come in a variety of colors and are constantly in bloom.

The salvias and agastaches are coming on strong now.

I'm pleased with how things are doing on the Front Porch too.
I haven't spent any time there enjoying the plants. 

For several days it was far too windy to be comfortable, and then the weather turned cool and gray.  We are now supposed to have nice warm sunny weather, so Front Porch here I come!

It's amazing how much the Mudroom flowerbed has filled in too.
There are lilies in the back that should bloom in July and I have a couple of vines that should help with some vertical color.  The bed is full of salvias and agastaches for two reasons.  The deer leave them alone...  

...and the hummingbirds enjoy the flowers.

This is a nice surprise.  A neighbor gave me this Japanese Iris last year. This year it is covered in large flat white blooms with yellow eyes. 

My sister planted a trellis of lavender and purple sweet peas.  Apparently there was a small issue with quality control - thus the surprise of a pop of red!  

I hope you enjoyed today's garden tour.

Fittingly for a garden-themed post, one year ago today Mom and I visited the Royal Horticultural Society's Garden at Wisley.   It was amazing!  So amazing there are two posts - here's the first post and here's the second one.  


  1. Such gorgeous photos. Love that happy little snail!!

  2. It seems like yesterday when you were setting out pots and pots of plants... look at the results! A Great Garden of color and beauty!

  3. Gorgeous stitching and such a variety of lovely blooms...love the poppies!

  4. What a lovely garden tour today! I have been seeing "Patty's Plum" all over the place and I want one!!!

    Congrats on the finish!

  5. Congrats on finishing August, it's very pretty. And what a great variety of flowers.

  6. Oh goodness! Those poppies are gorgeous!

  7. Love the August stitch! So cute with the waves and the beach. I don't need to buy another pattern (sigh)!

  8. Loved your garden tour, its very enjoyable to visit your blog each morning and see your photos.

  9. That is such a cute finish, Beth--congratulations! And I loved your flowering plant walk--the poppies are especially pretty.

  10. Wow, those poppies are gorgeous! And that funky fuchsia - I NEED one! :)
    I just can't get over how many pots you have. Everything is looking so pretty!

  11. Poppies have always been one of my favorites. That must be why I like this month's design so much. lol! Beautiful garden!

  12. I LOVE your stitchery! I must get that chart and stitch it! :-)

    Your photos are gorgeous! A couple of years ago after a rainy period in Arizona, the wild California poppies were amazing! I really like poppies. :-)

  13. First, your August Poppy is lovely! The flowers in the garden are also lovely. Our weather turned hot and humid this week and it's time to get the watering can out. I'd love to sit on your front porch enjoying all your flowers too.

  14. Did you use the called for threads in August's Poppy?

  15. Those pink poppies are beautiful. I remember when I lived back east the highway medians would be carpeted in red poppies, it was always so nice to drive home along.

  16. So much color!!! Everything looks so pretty. :)

    I do like the poppies on this piece but I think I love the lighthouse and waves more. There is something about the color of the waves that really does it for me. It's a very nice piece. :)

  17. Lots of gorgeous flowers. I think fuchsias must be my most favourite of all flowers...or is it sweetpeas, or roses, or carnations or....

  18. I've never heard of mimulus before - are they a type of petunia? That much color that keeps blooming? I think I need to track some of these down. :)

    Thanks for linking up to the TGP!


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