Thursday, May 29, 2014

New Stash New Birds

I've Got New Stash!
I placed this order back in early April, and it just arrived.
Bunny charts, and snowmen charts, and springtime gardening charts!

I've had lots of visitors to the backyard.

Lots of Evening Grosbeaks - seven in this photo.
Here's a series of three photos showing all the Evening Grosbeaks at the feeders. 
One, two, three...

four, five, six, seven...

eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, and fifteen birds total!
Nine guys and six gals.

Don't worry there are lots of Goldfinches too.

Here's my headless Mystery Bird.  Darn that leaf anyway. I saw this one while walking around the property and I have no idea what it is.

I do know who this Big Guy is!  A Pileated Woodpecker.  Interestingly he never spoke.  I heard the deep "thunk, thunk, thunk" of him working away and finally spotted him in a Big Leaf Maple.

Such a striking bird.

It made my day to see him.

I've even got a Pileated Woodpecker as part of my Garden Art on the Front Porch.

And here's Treat Number Two. 

Out of the blue a female Hairy Woodpecker came to one of the feeder in the backyard.

While I've had several of the smaller Downy Woodpeckers, I haven't had any Hairy Woodpeckers in well over a year.  I have a theory that the Acorn Woodpeckers are in competition with them.  I do hope she becomes a 'regular'. 

And here's Cool Bird Number Three!
A New Bird.  This is a Western Wood-Pewee.  It is a Flycatcher so not one I'll see at my feeder.

And if all that weren't enough...

...out of the blue four Ceder Waxwings flew in for a few minutes one morning.

I saw them fly in and thought they were House Finches.  I decided it would make a nice photo, and it was only when I zoomed my lens that I realized I had Waxwings.

They were nice enough to fly back again the same evening. They are berry eaters and glean ornamental cherries, cascara, and plants like beauty berries.

They are very serious looking birds. I need to plant some things to attract them with ripe berries and fruit. 

Was that a Cool Bird Week or what?!?!?


  1. Love, love, love waxwings! Brian and I were in Dallas about 10 years ago, when there were over a hundred in trees above us. Awesome!

  2. That WAS a cool Bird watching session!! Wow! All the new species that are visiting you... word is out! You have lots more to stitch now... Look forward to seeing the finishes... Hugs!

  3. A new bird! How excited you must've been! I love those Waxwings!

    I had to look twice when I saw the woodpecker garden art! Looks great!

    Hooray for new stash too!

  4. Beautiful new stash and sweet photos
    Big hugs x

  5. Great new stitching; what to start first? We have western wood peewees; their "call" is so sad to me, but they are fun to watch.

  6. Love your bird pictures. Very inspiring.

  7. Wow! VERY cool bird pics!!! Such a variety, so many unusual ones too! Love seeing them all. Love your pileated woodpecker ornament too. And great stash!

  8. Great looking stash! But the amazing thing is all those wonderful birds!! What a lucky day or week. The wax wings are so pretty. I have never seen one.

  9. You will be busy this summer with that new the birds! Just gorgeous...

  10. The cedar wax wings are so pretty! I would love to spot a pileated woodpecker also!

    Your stash purchase looks great, how fun to get an order in the mail.

  11. Beth, what a treat that was! You get such amazing pictures! I love the pileated wooodpecker - he is so amazing. Cedar waxwings are so gorgeous. We used to get them at our old house as we had several service berry trees and they loved them. Our big excitement today was that a evening grosbeak came by (we also have never had one at this house but used to at our old house).
    The hairy and downy woodpeckers are both so cute. What a great bird week you had!

  12. That was a long time to wait for that stash, Beth, but it looks like you got some goodies! Can't get over the size if those pileated woodpeckers--what handsome birds!

  13. Fabulous stash! Amazing bird pics, the new ones and the waxwings...woohoo!

  14. Awesome stash, I spy some amazing designs
    I have Spring Hare, I dying to start it, but I need to finish a couple more.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.