Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Last May Stitch (Probably) Last May Walk

Hey, finally something different in My Stitching World to show you.
I've begun to stitch Prairie Schooler's "May".

Today it is raining, so we'll go back in time a couple of days and enjoy a pleasant sunny walk. 

An Elegant Cat's Ear (Calochortus elegans). I can't get enough of 'em!

Nootka Rose

Pacific Ninebark (Physocarpus capitatus) - it is growing and blooming everywhere!

Red Osier Dogwood


Thimbleberry close-up

Thimbleberry closer still

Fragrant Fringecup (Tellima grandiflora)

Large-leaved Lupin (Lupinus polyphyllus)

It's worth two photos - so pretty.

Sticky Cinquefoil (Potentilla glandulosa). A funny name for one of Oregon's native plants.

Hairy Vetch (Vicia villosa)
  It is often used by farmers as a cover crop. As a legume, the plants are significant producers of nitrogen. 

That's enough for today.  There's so much to see - we'll tromp about again on Saturday. 

One year ago today Mom and I took the Eurostar to Paris!


  1. What a lovely garden walk, Beth! That Elegant Cat's Ear is special. It belongs in a sci-fi movie, me thinks! ;-)

  2. I enjoyed my stroll around the garden very much - so pretty.
    Lovely start on the May Prairie Schooler piece.

  3. Is that Thimbleberry the plant that bears tiny berries that can be made into thimbleberry jam?

  4. Somehow that cat's ear grosses me out. lol!

  5. So many lovely wild flowers on the walk!

  6. Hard to believe we're at the end of May already. Lovely walk!

  7. A lovely start to your PS piece. A beautiful walk too.


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