Friday, May 30, 2014

The Border is Done!

Whoop Whoop!
The border is done!  The border is done!
On to stitching poppies.

This is great Bird Watching Weather - so says Padma.

We have Anna's Hummingbirds 

and Evening Grosbeaks

and Violet-Green Swallows

and Purple Finches

and House Finches.
This is an unusual one with orange/yellow tones instead of red.

Here's a Scrub Jay

and a Towhee

and a Lesser Goldfinch

and Acorn Woodpecker.

We also have a critter or two...

including a turtle... 

and a dandelion-eating bunny!


The bunnies also adore kale.
They devored this plant within minutes of it being put on the compost pile. 

Last but certainly not least, we cannot forget our Trusty Garden Helper!

One year ago today Mom and I visited Parisian cathedrals, and flower markets, and department stores


  1. What beautiful bird pictures again! You have such a nice variety in your area. Your cross stitch is looking good!

  2. hmmm. I am wondering about that orange/yellow finch.

  3. As always, the bird visitors never cease to amaze! Plus the bunnies. And last but not least, still love the turtles...even if they are the invasive ones. They just lost their bearings, and stayed cause it is a great area! Hugs!

  4. That's a great photo of Padma, the talking cat! ;-)

    Lovely photos of the birds and the critters. Yay on the border!

  5. Love that border! Lovely bird visitors too. Such a variety, and they are so pretty! Cute bunnies. And cats!

  6. I love that design. The borders are so interesting. Plus, so many pretty birds!

  7. Beth, in the last post, I meant rose breasted grosbeak, not evening grosbeak (got too excited by your flock of evening grosbeaks!)
    What an amazing picture of the turtle! Great shot of the towhee - well actually, every shot was great. So happy to see your little helpers!

  8. It's so cute..sweet stitch x

  9. Such a great looking WIP, Beth! Love all those nature photos, too...

    Your little garden helper is looking awfully tired after all his chores :)

  10. Your stitching looks great! Fabulous bird pics!


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