Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Spring Is Just Days Away

Nope, I'm not going to stitch a stocking. I think I can modify the design with the violets a bit and make it a 'regular' rectangle. That's my idea anyway.

Oh, these pleasant sunny days...

We look high...

We peer around corners...



Andrea astutely commented that I was in the midst of "a new season of birds".  As spring is just days away, that is truly what has happened. My "Winter Regulars" have been augmented with the "Spring Arrivals".


Mourning Dove

Song Sparrow

Bewick's Wren
I don't see one often.

This one posed for me... 

...while singing up a storm.


A hawk making "lazy circles in the sky."

A sign of the approach of spring - a pair of Mallards.

Song Sparrow

The flock of Bushtits were hanging out down by the Big Creek

They continue to delight me!

A New Bird! A Hutton's Vireo. 
They live along the west coast of the US, and in central Mexico. 

They are insectivores who glean foliage in search of food. This bird was hanging out with the Bushtits at the edge of an Oak grove near the Big Creek. 


So many people enjoyed the bright colors of the Scrub Jay.
So here's another photo. 

I have a least two pairs of Lesser Goldfinches.
A couple of gals enjoyed eating sunflower kernels.

I'll end as I began, with the bird that is a ubiquitous sign of spring in many parts of the country - an American Robin.


  1. Oh my goodness! I adore the cat pictures. Is that Tom Cat?
    No robins here yet. Of course! sigh.

  2. Will be watching to see how that stitching is coming along..just love the birds they are my passion too always make me so happy! Thanks again for sharing your new arrivals..

  3. It's nice to see the new arrivals, especially the new-to-you bird! The North American robin always look so thug-ish to me ever since I saw a "british" robin. lol.

    I like your idea of changing your stocking into a rectangle. Those sure are cute designs. Although I love BBD I don't have those stockings!

    Enjoy your birdies! (Must be a symphony at your house)

  4. Sweet cat pictures..
    Enjoy stitching the sweet project
    Hugs x

  5. Lovely photo's as always, your American Robin does not look as fat as our English ones.

  6. I think the BBD stocking will look good as a rectangle. It will be fun to see how you do it. Oh , that Hutton's Vireo is a pretty little bird.

  7. lol! Love the pics of the cat enjoyment. :D Great spring bird pics too!

  8. Beautiful photos Beth! My husband saw his first robin at work but I am still waiting to see mine - when I see one, then I will be sure spring is getting close!

  9. Can't wait to see your new stitch. Surely spring is on it's way, but other than robins and pollen, I haven't seen many signs of spring.

  10. Blackbird is my favorite designer of all time! Can't wait to see it! You have the best birds! In the desert were are somewhat limited but we love the quail that come into the yard and we feed the birds too. Thanks for sharing!!

  11. These BBD stocking charts are so lovely and I'm sure with a few changes you can also make them into a rectangle.
    Yesterday I discovered the first violets in our garden. So great to see them again.

  12. Lovely new project! I am looking forward to seeing how you adapt it.
    Love that the wren posed for you.
    The cats look happy.

  13. A beautiful selection of birds for us to view. Not spring-like weather today for us, absolutely lashing it down.

  14. Love your choice of stitching projects! Still love the jay ~ and your new bird is pretty too!!

  15. I am on the lookout for the white-headed robin that we had a couple of years ago. Last year, it hung out at the neighbor's yard, so my search is expanding. I have no idea how long they live...but I am hoping to see it again. Thanks for the photos! I am tempted to try a little stocking... we shall see. Hugs!

  16. Ahhh! It looks so.............SPRINGy there. We're getting a foot of snow Tuesday (or more). Yay?


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.