Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Whimsical Woodpecker Wednesday

First off a Whimsical Heart!

Design - "Whimsical Heart"
Designer - Ewe & Eye & Friends
Fabric - 32 count Thistle Pink Lakeside linen
Fibers - DMC & Anchor - 1 strand over 2 threads
Started - 4 February 2014
Completed - 16 March 2014 

First off I must thank again everyone who took the time to comment and offer suggestions for my color change. I did not want to use DMC 310 (black) to outline the eyelet stitches in the interior of the heart.  I ended up using DMC 3688 which was two shade darker than DMC 3686 which was used to fill in the pink heart.  I think it turned out really well.  The chart also called for some of the flowers to be stitched with a satin stitch.  I did not care the for look, so I cross stitched them instead. It did turn out to be kind of a wild and crazy heart - pretty whimsical after all.   

And now some Whimsical Woodpeckers!
From smallest to largest.

First up my little male Downy Woodpecker.

I continue to hope that a female will come along. Time's a ticking!

The Sapsuckers continue to be in the area, though not at the feeders.

I've not been able to get the same kind of great pictures like I got the day they arrived.

Here's a Sapsucker & a Flicker on the same tree.

Next up - the Acorn Woodpeckers!



They've been hanging out together a lot lately.

As have my Orange-shafted Flickers.
It must be that time of year!



What woodpecker is larger than a Flicker?

Why the Pileated Woodpecker. 

They are up to 19" long! 

There is nothing quite like the sound of their raucous maniacal call echoing through the forest. 

What's better than one Pileated Woodpecker?

Why a pair of Pileated Woodpeckers, that's what!

I have never seen two together like this before.
That makes for a Big Bird Day!  

(Now all I need is for a couple of Hairy Woodpeckers to come to visit. That's a birder for you - always wanting more!) 


  1. The heart turned out fantastic.
    Awesome bird pictures today!

  2. Sweet heart finish...
    Pretty bird pictures..
    Hugs x

  3. Your heart is so sweet, Beth--I like the color changes you made, too. I had no idea that woodpeckers came in such different sizes--what great photos today (as always :).

  4. Love your bird pictures! We had 2 pileated woodpeckers yesterday although they were on 2 different trees.

    I really like your Whimsical Heart and the changes you made to it.

    Enjoy your day!

    Robin in Virginia

  5. A lovely title for today's post! Whimsical is one of my favourite words. It denotes fun, joy, creativity.

    Love the Whimsical Heart finish.

  6. Love is in the air in StL....I've had a pileated pair on my suet feeder on each side!!!

  7. Great heart!! Ooo love the pileateds! I have 2 in my woods and they always look so prehistoric!

  8. WOW! So many kinds of woodpeckers! And pairs of them too! Fantastic! The two Pileated are so cool! Love how you finished the heart too. Beautiful!

  9. What a fun heart! The pictures of the birds are great! I am so impressed with the pileated woodpeckers - so cool that there is a pair. We had a neighbour when I was growing up who was very interested in birds and I can remember him telling us that he was trying to get a picture of a pileated woodpecker...don't know if he ever did. Thanks as always Beth.

  10. Whimsical Heart is adorable! How could I not love a pink heart? I've enjoyed seeing all the woodpeckers you have too.

  11. Your heart looks gorgeous. Love the floss choices you made:)
    Pretty photos thanks for sharing.
    love Annette

  12. Woohoo!! A pair of pileated woodpeckers! Amazing. I love Woodpecker Wednesdays.
    Lovely stitching finish too :)

  13. I love your heart cross stitch! So very cute!! What a great array of woodpeckers! Impressive. I would love to see one of the pileated ones. My sister has said she has seen them at her house (Minnesota) so when we go there to visit, I'm always looking hoping to see one, but haven't yet.

  14. Whimsical Heart is very cute! I just notice the border... a nice way to make a piece stand out. Keeping that in mind! Look at all those woodpeckers! Wow! I, too, would be happy to just see one. None of late.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.