Friday, March 14, 2014

Old Stitch & New Birds

We've had several sunny, mild days in a row.
That's my excuse for not cross stitching much lately.
Warm out of season days should be spent outside.
Today it is supposed to rain, so perhaps I'll get back to "Whimsical Heart".

As I was saying, everyone appreciates a sunny day!

It's good weather to preen and soak up a few rays.

I think this is a female Rufous Hummingbird.

I am certain this is a Scrub Jay! 

Party at the Peanut Feeder! 

The female and male Acorn Woodpeckers.
There's plenty for everyone!

I said new birds - well, Returning Birds anyway.
Welcome back!

Yesterday there were four Violet-green Swallows.

Apparently that's enough to start a real estate bidding war!

Hey guys, I have eight houses available!
Take your pick!

This couple never migrated, I don't know what they've been up to this winter.
Nonetheless I was really pleased to see...  

...a male Red-breasted Sapsucker hammering his little heart out.

As you can see he found the dead, hollowed out top of a Big Leaf Maple.
His efforts resonated very nicely - all to gain the notice of... 

This lovely lady.
A female Red-breasted Sapsucker.

She was working away on a live Big Leaf Maple.
You can see the nice lines of small holes she's drilled.

Sapsuckers eat insects and the sap from live trees. The Rufous Hummingbirds often nest near Sapsucker wells and also eat from them.   

The Sapsuckers also eat suet, so I might yet get them to come to my feeders.  They were working in trees sited very close to my peanut and suet feeders.


  1. I love waking up each morning and reading your blog posts. Not only do you share your lovely XS but you have the most amazing birds visiting you.... Thank you for always sharing your feathered freinds!!

  2. Beautiful birds (even the vultures). We have barn swallows and I just love watching them fly.

  3. So many birds -- all great pics of them. I have a hard time with vultures, but I know I shouldn't. They deserve a place in the world too after all!

  4. The Sap sucker is a beautiful bird!I have never had one at our feeder. I spent quite a bit of time in the yard today cleaning up winter !

  5. Beautiful photos! Thank you so much for sharing. I have never seen those kind of swallows, but I love to watch them glide and dive.

  6. Beautiful birds -- all of them! Warm, sunny days certainly make it feel like spring. Our weather is a rollercoaster and snow is still in the forecast.

    Whimsical Heart is looking great!

  7. Warm days does call for being outdoors. love how you accommodate all your feathered friends.
    love Annette

  8. ohhh love the scrub jay and acorn woodpeckers. We do not get them here. I am so anxious to get so lookers at my houses. I had some bluebirds checking them out a week or so ago but have not seen any activity since.

  9. Beth, you get such amazing pictures! I was so taken with the sapsucker pictures and I love the colour on the scrub jays (we do not have them in our area). Great shot of the acorn woodpeckers and I was chuckling over the bidding wars :)
    Your snowdrop pieces are great.

  10. Lovely pictures, so nice seeing the Acorn woodpecker we don't get them in my neck of the woods in northern Mn I have many others to enjoy though so thanks for sharing. So enjoy reading your blog with the same passion stitching & birds....

  11. What great pictures of some interesting birds! I get excited when I see a bird making a nest in one of our birdhouses!

  12. I love the birdies today especially the swallows and sapsuckers. How many megapixels is your camera it takes such awesome pictures

  13. Sweet stitches and beautiful birds! I love, love, love the scrub jay ~ that blue is amazing!

  14. Wow! Lots of bird activity. Awesome pics.

  15. Wow! Lots of bird activity. Awesome pics.

  16. It's the same here, the birds are returning from their hibernation places In Africa or Southern Europe. It's lovely to see them again.

  17. Perhaps as I keep reading your posts, in order, I will see Whimsical Hearts completed! You are so close! Love all the birds, except the vultures... not my fave! Thanks for sharing!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.