Saturday, March 15, 2014

Lazy Weekend

How best to spend the weekend?

Padma suggests a nap in the sunshine.

Solomon likes to watch nature shows. 

Programming on The Brush Bunny Channel is his current favorite. 

Mourning Dove & Scrub Jay
Share a drink with a friend!

Lesser Goldfinch - Male
Belly up to the Sunflower Bar.

Don't forget to clean your beak when you are done. 

Lesser Goldfinch - Female
And be sure and order something for your girlfriend! 


  1. Padma and Solomon have the right idea. Today is one of our warmer days. Have to get out and enjoy it before the cold comes back. Hooray for pretty lesser goldfinches!

  2. Sweet Padma and Solomon - if only they could stitch -lol.
    Beautiful day here too. Our high is to be 80 degrees.
    Happy sunny day. love Annette

  3. Those are two very smart cats!!! I am hoping to get some goldfinches this spring, none so far.

  4. Lazy is always good for a weekend ...

  5. Yep, that's exactly how I want to spend my weekend too!


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