Sunday, March 16, 2014

Celebrating St. Patricks' Day - Ireland 1979

Many years ago now (read 1979!) I was in Ireland for six months as part of an Overseas Study trip with Lewis and Clark College.
Here are some of my photos from a time before computers and cell phones and digital photography.   

Selskar Abbey - Wexford

My home stay

View from John F. Kennedy PArk - New Ross

Johnstowne Castle

The smallest house in Exford

On the way to Ferrycarrig 

Thatched cottage Castlebridge

The Black Abbey - Kilkenny

Kilkenny town

St. Canice Cathedral

I'll post a few more of my 1979 photos tomorrow.  


  1. How nice You got that experience. Beautiful pictures

  2. Very awesome. Thanks for sharing. :)

  3. That must have been a very exciting time for you. I really enjoyed your pictures!

  4. Very timely post with lovely photos. You certainly are good with your bird and nature photos too- I can barely take a decent photo of my stitching let alone anything else! Happy St Paddy's day!

  5. beautiful glad they lasted the test of time too.

  6. Fantastic! I'd love to go to Ireland someday.


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