Saturday, January 4, 2014

Oh My! Oh Deer!

Word out on the street forest is that this blog is getting too Bird Heavy! 

It is time to mix it up a bit 

This group of three come by most mornings.

I've been waiting for them to come and go before setting out peanuts or sunflower seeds for the ground feeders.

If I don't, then the food is quickly eaten by the deer.

AS you can see they are not terribly concerned with my presence.

It fact, they don't find me nearly as interesting as they do the cats.

Some days they hang around near the house from morning to evening, then bed down in the backyard for the night. 

The fawn appears to have a two-toned winter coat.

All three are fat and healthy. 


  1. It's funny, when I look at these handsome deer I think of Prairie Schooler designs!

    They are very nice photos!

  2. What a lovely bunch of pictures, my Ellie would go nuts to have them visit that closely. We have deer that come, but its late at night and we just see the evidence;)

  3. What great pictures. I love the two toned coat of the fawn.

  4. Great pics!! Thanks for sharing!!!

  5. We've had a group of three spending a lot of time in the yard lately. We recently posted as no hunting, so I figure they must have seen the signs! LOL!!

  6. I am loving the two toned fawn. I don't get hunting these beautiful creatures ( any really) ...those eyes.

  7. I like that first picture especially Beth.
    Go Pack Go!

  8. Wow. I wish I had such awesome garden visitors.

  9. They are such beautiful animals!

  10. Beautiful deer. They seem to know they are safe at your place. We have deer visit but only at night.

  11. Glad the deer are getting their share of your blogging time :) They're all so handsome!

  12. Your three deer do look like they enjoy your yard!


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