Sunday, January 5, 2014

Nocturnal Visitors

Our Trail Camera has been acting up the past month. There were no photos for over a week around Christmas which is not right as animals ford the creek and use the path on a daily basis.

So I while don't have lots to share, I do think it is VERY interesting to see who all is out and about in the dark of night.   
A raccoon strolled by just before dawn.

And just after dark, a bob-cat appeared.

This is our "Big Animal News" for the month of December!
Here's one...

...and here comes a second coyote.

A week later they were back during the snow.
We sometimes hear them calling in the far off distance.
But never had any reason to think that they might actually patrol our property. Now we know better.


  1. We had a coyote run down our front sidewalk in our subdivision a few summers ago. CRAZY!

  2. How fun to see what comes out after dark!

    I liked your email in response to my last comment. :-)

  3. HI there! coyotes--wow! They are getting bolder! (Still have company, so will comment on everything else before this post later this week)Hugs!

  4. Wow, you really get all sorts of wildlife there! It's amazing to see!

  5. I so enjoy the trail cam pics. We have coyotes nearby. We hear them nearly every night. In Chicago and the suburbs, they are becoming a problem and have attacked small children and small dogs.

  6. We have a fairly serious problem with coyotes up here! I always love seeing what shows up on the night camera.

  7. The coyotes really worry me with the cats. I have heard them near us over the last 6 months. You can really tell when they have caught something. Myra said that a boxer was killed by a pack recently. Scary!!

  8. There used to be a lot of coyotes around in the area in Eastern Washington where we used to live. I was so surprised to discover that there are some apparentently somewhat-urban coyotes not too far from where we live now in town. There habitat is getting so diminished around here--wish people would quit building houses and buildings and leave more natural areas for the wildlife.

  9. Coyotes! Hope they don't get TOO bold. :(


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