Friday, January 3, 2014

One More Christmas Stitch to Share

Design - "Merry"
Chart - "Tiny Tidings IX"
Designer - Lizzie Kate
Fabric - 32 count natural linen
Fibers - WDW & GAST - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 30 December 2013
Completed - 31 December 2013 

Keeping with my red and green theme, this was my last stitch of the year.

And look at this Rare Bird!
I had a visitor come by the other day, and with some research and help from the Lane County Audubon Society, I can tell you it is an immature male Red-winged Blackbird.  I think he was just wandering through and I don't expect to see him again as Blackbirds like the habitat near sloughs, marshes, and lakes.

So I'll just be content with my Flicker Friends!

They so enjoy feeding at the suet trough!

And my little Downy Woodpecker guy shows up almost every day.

He's part of my Peanut Gallery.

I continue to hope that sooner or later a female will drop by and decide to stay so that I'll have a Downy Family this summer.


  1. hahaha! I had to laugh as we always have the redwing blackbirds around. We have a small woods and pond behind us. =)

  2. I moved to Indiana from Colorado this year - the birds here are different!! We live in the woods so we put up a feeder and I got a bird book. It's really fun to see the different kinds of birds!! After watching them interact I think my favorite is the Junco. Cardinals are beautiful but they are mean!!
    Love your Merry stitch!!

  3. It's good to see a new bird, it looks much bigger than our blackbirds.

  4. What a pretty little finish! The woodpeckers have finally found our suet. This am we had a pretty Hairy at the feeder.

  5. Cute finish - so cheery! Beautiful photography of the birds - thanks for sharing.. :)

  6. Very cute finish. I love red-winged blackbirds. We get flocks of them in the spring and then singletons through the summer. We've suddenly had bluejays start coming into our feeders - tried a new feed with peanuts in it and they are picking them out.

  7. Love this finish, Beth! I wonder if I got a suet feeder if that would help draw more interesting birds into my yard? Love your photos!

  8. Love the Merry finish!

    During the summer, we alot have Red Winged Blackbirds. We always see them on fence posts, stalks and weeds/grasses growing along the roads.

  9. Cute little stitch. I love just how many different birds you get to see. We are lucky if we get half a dozen different types over the whole year. Maybe it's the cats...


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