Monday, January 20, 2014

July in January

I decided to battle the gray fog and work on Cottage Garden Sampling's "July's Delphinium". As you can see it has lots of bright cheerful colors.

I was able to make a good start on the border.

I think I've mentioned before that we have Robins around the entire year.
In January a nice group of the birds appear first thing in the morning, and then again at dusk.  With the fog and low light they are difficult to photograph.
There were 8 birds in the Big Leaf Maple - I think they roosted there for the night.  

They do provide a nice jolt of color with their rust orange breasts.

Sunday evening I counted 20 birds in the backyard.

They are so funny to watch. They listen intently - they can hear earthworms plowing in the ground.

This one has its head cocked the better to hear worms at work!

They are never visitors at the feeders, instead work the yards for worms and other insects.  In past years I've had a Varied Thrush or two hanging out with the Robins.  No sign of any Thrushes yet this year. 

The Robins do use my bird baths though and enjoy splashing about.


  1. Great progress on July! Love the bright colors - just the thing for January duldrums. The flocks of robins showed up here right before Christmas this year - it's usually mid-January but seem to have disappeared again.

  2. Great start on July! Yes, we need bright colours on these dark days of winter!

    I've been catching up on your posts...I think your telephoto lense is working very well. The birds are showing up so nicely and can really show off their beautiful coats!

  3. Gorgeous floral pattern! Here in Ireland, it still Fog and rain.

  4. I always do "Christmas in July" stitching but July in January stitching seems imperative with this winter we've been having! :)

  5. That is a nice bright one to beat the doldrums! Today is is about 63 degrees! I just got back from a two mile walk with hubby. Gonna go rest my legs now! Out of shape!

  6. I hope that you have some sunshine soon! I love all your cheery stitching, such fun, bright colors!

  7. Looking forward to seeing your progress on July. Love the pics of the robins -- lol about that one cocking his head!

  8. Love that series of charts...great choice for color! Hope to see robins soon here in NE Florida. My fav bird. They look so smart and studious.

  9. I love those garden designs. I saw the web site where they were made into one large design. It was beautiful. I do like the idea of making them smaller so you can change them out. I've seen lots of robins too!

  10. July's Delphinium is looking great! Great shots of the robins! I can't believe how many you have. A sure sign of spring is the first robin - none yet :(

  11. I love seeing your Robins, especially in January with the harsh winter we are having. Love the colors in July's Delphinium!

  12. Lovely stitches! I will be happy when our robins return ~ I'm ready for spring!


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