Tuesday, January 21, 2014

A Flash of Color A Flash of Talons

Design - "Baby It's Cold Outside" (Snowbelles)
Designer - Lizzie Kate
Fabric - 28 count Amber linen
Fibers - Crescent Colours, GAST, & WDW - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 12 January 2014
Completed - 16 January 2014 

No Cardinals, but this male House Finch did provide me with a welcome pop of color on yet another foggy day.

He was kind enough to pose quietly for a while so I was able to get a series of shots...

...before he flew away.

The big surprise Monday was finding this Sharp-shinned Hawk perched on the edge of our large birdbath.  I wish the photos were better but I shot through a window screen and a wire deer fence so there are lines and it is blurry.  Oh well, you get the idea...The hawk was very close to the house and window!


  1. Your cross stitch is such a perfect description of today! It is so cute, complete with a cardinal. You got some great shots of the house finch and the hawk - he was really close to the house.

  2. Ooooh, that hawk looks scary, like he's waiting for a meal to come by your place!

    Love that cute snowman you've stitched!

  3. Love your finish -- so bright and colorful! Love the house finch and hawk too. Amazing that the hawk got so close to your house!

  4. love the finish and ermmmm not so keen on the hawk hope he didn't find dinner too close by ... love mouse xxxxx

  5. Loving these snowmen finishes... The pictures of the Hawk are good enough to get the drift that he is a hawk with a hooked beak and talons!

  6. Beautiful and bright L*K Snowbelles! I really need to get working on these too. I'll add it to my list of a million other pieces I want to stitch, lol.

    My friend had a hawk perch on her birdbath right outside her front door a few weeks ago. Sort of strange that they perch so low to the ground and close to the house.

  7. Beautiful bird photos on this post and your previous one. We are having great weather here in the southwest but know many of you are having a cold January - keep warm and keep stitching!

  8. That little cross stitch is so cute. I have never seen a hawk so close to the house! Amazing!

  9. Wow! That is a big visitor...i hope that he shows up to be counted next month :)

  10. Such a cheery little finish for mid-winter, Beth! Great hawk photos--funny to see him sitting on your birdbath, I bet!

  11. Always a treat to see what you have captured!

  12. A lovely finish. How wonderful for a hawk to be so near.

  13. Baby, it *IS* cold outside. (And windy.) But not as cold as it will be tomorrow. Brr. :)


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.