Sunday, January 19, 2014

Foggy Days

Day after day we have been served a bowl of thick Fog Soup for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

I have to look hard to find some color to break the monotony of gray.

This little Chickadee with its black head, white shawl, and gray wings might seem to be a study in charcoal. Instead, the bird is a burst of vibrant color when compared to the fog.

The same goes with my California Quail.

They add steel blue and milk chocolate brown to the paint box.


...and puffier still.

This one looks like a Drum Major leading his band on to the field for a half time performance.

Do you think the bunny is watching the show?

Maybe...or perhaps he is watching...

...Padma-cat who is watching him!


  1. He's watching Padma!! For sure! We had fog one morning last week... of course it was the day I had to go somewhere before work! It was difficult to get there safely! Hugs!

  2. Beth, I swear your photography skills have gone up a level. What fantastic pics you are taking!

  3. I had several Chickadees in my yard today for the very first time ever! Boy those little birds are fast and I wasn't able to get a pic.

    Love your pics today. Sorry that you have so much fog though.

  4. Lovely photos. We are supposed to be getting a bit of the old foggy weather here in the next couple of days.

  5. The quail are soooooo cool!!! Such a beautiful interesting blue color!

  6. It looks like winter has even colored the wildlife with a bit of gray.

  7. He's definitely got his eye on Padma. Smart bunny is smart. lol


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