Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Blue Sky Winter's Day

Design - "Winter Gingham"
Designer - Twisted Thread
Fabric - 28 count cream / natural Gingham linen
Fibers - GAST - 1 strand over 1 thread
Started - 18 January 2014
Completed - 19 January 2014

I am a fan of blue and brown together, so this little stitch just hit the spot. Usually I find stitching over one to be a nerve-wracking experience, but somehow when I stitch over one using gingham, it goes quickly and easily.

Finally, finally, finally!  The fog finally lifted Tuesday afternoon.

I wasn't the only one who was pleased to have some sunshine.

Besides the cats, I think the birds were pleased too.
My Yellow-rumped Warbler showed up.

As did my Black Phoebe.

He hung around for about an hour singing merrily the entire time.
I keep hoping some other Phoebes will join him, but so far he has been solo.

And look who else made an appearance for the first time this Winter... 

A female Varied Thrush!

My little flock of Bushtits came back too.

The Bushtits and the Varied Thrush showed up at the same time.  I hardly knew which direction to point my camera.
Sunshine = Great Birding Day! 


  1. A very unusual stitch Beth. Oh, that contented furry little face made me smile.

  2. What a sweet tiny stitch Beth! Cute as a button :) Same with your kitty and birdies!

  3. Lucky you that the fog has finally disappeared. I don't mind rain and clouds but fog is different. Maybe your colourful stitching of the last days drove it away, lol.
    Very nice project today.

  4. Had to go to work today after the blizzard last night. We had about 4 or 5 inches of snow. Today we have a really lethal coat of ice, because of the wind chill, and the sun melting the snow. Not a fan, at ALL! Gingham is awfully cute! So glad the birdies came back when the sun came out finally! Hugs!

  5. That little sampler is adorable! Great pictures too.

  6. Cute stitches and great nature photos!

  7. Ok, I absolutely love your finish. So so cute! I love all your bird visitors too! So many! And yay for clear skies and no more fog!

  8. What a pretty piece! I really like the gingham. And our master bedroom is blue and brown, what's not to love?

  9. What a wonderful variety of birds! The sun does feel good when it finally comes out. We had it yesterday but today we are back in the fog. I do love your new project. Maybe I could do over one if it was on gingham!

  10. I love the little sampler - so cute! And don't we all enjoy the sun... wish I would be seeing it here in Ohio. Forecast is for more snow and cold...brrrrr!

  11. I love your blue and white finish!

    Yes when the sun peeks out and the fog departs, you can hear the angels sing! ;-)

  12. Oh my goodness, Winter Gingham is lovely! I'm fond of blue and brown together too. You have some wonderful bird visitors. Love the feathers on the top of the Black Phoebe's head.

  13. Blue and brown seem to be a perfect colour combination don't they. Love your finish. Beautiful birdies.


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