Thursday, December 12, 2013

We're STILL Cold

Design - "Let it Snow"
Designer - Val's Stitchin' Stuff
Fabric - 25 count navy blue Lugana
Fibers - Crescent Colours
Started - 20 November 2010
Completed - 22 November 2010

Here's a stitch from my Cross Stitch Archives.  What with one thing or another, I haven't managed to stitch much lately, so I thought I feature a seasonally fitting stitch - a snowman.

Wednesday we finally had a temperature above the freezing mark, for a couple of hours anyway.

It was still much too cold for Solomon (and his shaved belly) to be outside for long. 

Cold enough that the birds were most interested when I came outside to put out more sunflower seeds. 

It's very unusual to have two Towhees this close together.  Normally they'd be bickering and squabbling with one another.  I guess the cold made them temporary comrades - both more interested in food that fighting.

A rather shy Golden-crowned Sparrow watched me.

The Chickadees were anything but bashful.

They scolded me - saying I wasn't distributing the seeds and filling the feeders nearly fast enough.

Most of the Song Sparrows waited in quietly polite.

Though I can't help but wonder what this one was saying!

Parvati desperately wanted to be outside today.  When I found her 30 minutes later she made herself quite warm and comfortable atop the clothe dry vent.  I was drying clothes and the steam rose in a heated fog all around her.
I hope you stayed warm and comfortable today.


  1. Lovely bird pictures again :-) Congrats on finishing the snowman, he's very cute.

  2. Pulling stitching from the archives is always good. Cute snowman. Love all the bird pictures as always. Hope they are feeling a bit warmer at least. Parvati is very clever. lol!

  3. Your snowman and I both sport pink scarves. ;)
    Trying to be warm. It is currently 5º.

  4. Great pictures!! I love the last one of the cat keeping warm! So sweet! :)

  5. Don't cats always seem to find a warm spot? Ours aren't going outside for very long in these cold temps.

  6. What a cute snowman! Great bird pics too. My little Snickers always wanted to be outside, even in the cold weather. She was such a small dog, we had to shovel paths through the snow for her in the backyard. She always loved to sit under the dryer vent too.

    I loved that she always smelled like freshly dried laundry. Maybe the dryer steam will help with the static, lol.

  7. Wonderful shots of the birds. Thanks for so generously sharing your talents.

  8. I've just been catching up on your last few posts Beth. Did the little hummingbird survive? Winter is such a harsh time in nature.

  9. More great bird photos! Love the kitty warming up!

  10. What a really cute snowman pattern! And your stitches are so perfect! Nicely done! Of course, I enjoyed pics of our birdies and kitties! Hugs!

  11. Parvati is one smart cat!!! Beautiful birds! We actually stayed above freezing last night!

  12. I love the snowman. Silly cats :)

  13. I bet it is cold out there with a shaved belly. I would stay inside too.
    Very cute little snowman! I love all of Val's patterns. Just adorable.


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