Friday, December 13, 2013

Temperature Is Rising

As cold as it has been lately, you'd think that I'd be "Frog-Free" around here.  But that's not the case. Sharp eyes will notice that while I've stitched the cardinal, I've had to frog out the entire bough.  The two small branches that remain reflect far more time than you might think. I ended up frogging them out four - yes four times!
During the snow and cold I saw nary a deer, though I did see signs that they were around.

Today it warmed up to 37F, the rain has returned and so have the deer.

While this is not a fawn, it's not a very big deer either.

It does have a nice thick coat.

And a hearty appetite for black oil sunflower seeds.



  1. That blasted frog visited me last night as well!! GRRRRR.... That view of the snow and the deer is really beautiful. Enjoy your day and let's send that FROG packing!

  2. Oh Beth! Your deer reminds me of the scene we saw last night while driving. A deer was hit and on the side of the road. It was NOT dead. The officer on the scene was preparing to shoot it I believe. It is so very, very sad to see so many deer here in our parts hit by cars. =( Sorry.

  3. Bummer about the frogs. Ugh. Lovely deer though. We're supposed to get snow tomorrow. Ugh.

  4. Ouch on the frogs - I know, those branches are not as innocent as they look. I hope the animals and birds benefit from the less rigid temperatures.

  5. Wish I could say we had warm temps like you, but we have more snow coming and then super super cold again. I know we need the precipitation, but I'd much rather have it in the form of rain.

  6. Glad it's warming up a little. We've had such a mild week, it's been weird as the temps have been around 12 degrees which is very unusual for December. Unpicking work once is bad enough - but four times!!

  7. Aren't frogs supposed to be buried deep in the mud this time of year!?! Lovely pictures of the deer! You truly live in a magical place

  8. In response to Vickie's comment, I hope that 'your' deer stay clear of the road. My sister was 'hit' by a deer jumping the railing. Seriously injured her and totaled her car. It is not going to leave a car unscathed when they hit a deer. Love these pictures. You seem so close! Hugs!

  9. Sorry to hear about the frog. He was at my house last night too! I'm glad to see the deer made it through the bitter cold!


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