Wednesday, December 11, 2013

A Wednesday Wintery Walk

It's still very cold so Parvati probably has the right idea!

I  have cabin-fever and need to go outside. Ihave on my boots, coat and mittens so I am going to take a walk. You are welcome to come along.

While I haven't seen any deer since the snow fell, there is plenty of evidence that they have been about.

And you must admit it is still very pretty outside.

Our native Oregon Grape looks very festive.

As do the rose hips.

Can you see the silver ball Christmas ornaments we hung on the paperbark maple? 

Still more tracks...a brush bunny perhaps?

These, I think belong to a Bob-cat.

I like the snow-swept look of our meadow.

The sky is so very blue today.

Here's my Currier and Ive's postcard - the garland and wreath which adore our front gate.

With day and night and day and night of sub-freezing temperatures, even the Big Creek is beginning to coat with ice.


Another season burst of color along the Big Creek.
The red branches of the Vine Maple.

Icicles large and small/ 

Birds birds birds...

Are you cold?  That's okay we're back home now and ready for a cup of something warm...Tea for Mouse and hot chocolate for me!  What would you like?


  1. Really pretty walk; love the rose hips and vine maple. Hot cocoa sounds yummy

  2. I'm going to go get some coffee right now...because its colder than cold here too! :)
    But I like it...cozy!
    And I love your beautiful pictures and your Currier and Ives Gate too...;) When I was a child my grandmother had a book filled with prints of Currier and Ives and I'd sit for hours and look at them. :)

  3. Just beautiful! Such lovely pictures. My favorite is dark hot chocolate. ;)

  4. Isn't it amazing how different the snow makes everything look? It's so pretty.

    We are still freezing here as well. Your gate is so pretty!

  5. Pretty walk through the snow. We have a lot of snow here too with more falling. I think I'll get some hot chocolate and sip on that while I read some more blogs

  6. I do love snow on the trees, love the ornaments on the maple. Your decorated gate covered in snow looks like the cards I sent out this year. Here in Rhode Island no snow yet, even though the weatherpeople keep starting the news with " snow alert " Please a dusting does not warrant a snow alert. Since our "Blizzard of 1978" which was a lot of snow...they have become paranoid.

  7. So pretty around your place - we're in deep depressing fog at the moment. A nice hot cup of tea is always a good idea :-)

  8. Wonderful pictures. I think several could be Currier and Ives. Snow really makes things look so pretty. We left the Hummingbird feeder out last night as the temps were suppose to be above freezing. We woke up to slush. Our little friend was sitting on the feeder. We quickly warmed the water and he got a good bit of food! It will come in tonight!

  9. Gorgeous pictures Beth! Snow is beautiful and the colours really pop! Your house looks gorgeous - perfect picture of a winter wonderland!

  10. Ok, I really don't like winter or snow or cold, but you make it look beautiful! I especially like your front gate and think that should be your Christmas card!

  11. Chai for me please! We had a gorgeous frosty morning yesterday but I had to go to work. I would have loved to stop the car and explore.

  12. Chai or hot cocoa will make me happy! What a beautiful walk!

  13. What idyllic scenes you share with us! Love that vine maple and how it contrasts with the snow! Your house is gorgeous! Hot cocoa
    please! Hugs!

  14. Looks very cold, but your house is very inviting and looks so warm inside.


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