Saturday, December 14, 2013

We Like Warmer Weather

Tom-Cat says, "It's GREAT to be back outside once again". 

"Someone, after all has to keep an eye on these large furry creatures."

"The smaller ones are the most annoying."

"They seem to think that I am a playmate, when I'm a PREDATOR for gosh sakes!" 

"But even the most vigilant of predators need a nap every so often."


  1. Aaah, bless him :-) Glad you're having a break from the very low temps. Have a nice weekend.

  2. He has such beautiful eyes. How did he lose the tip of his ear?

  3. Beth,
    Love that last photo! So cute! Your pictures and prose put a smile in my face. Enjoy your weekend.

  4. Haha! Adorable ~ or should I say ferocious predator.

  5. Love it! I bet you and he both are very glad to see the snow melting away.

  6. It's nice that you are having a warm up!

  7. It's lovely to see the snow melting and warmer temperatures appearing. It's good for both the flora and the fauna.

  8. Such cute photos! I'm so glad to get the temps back to normal! What's a little rain!

  9. Good to know that some warmer weather is coming along and that the cold spell is broken. Great pictures of the deer. And of the cat, of course, lol.

  10. We like warmer weather here too. Love seeing the critters in your yard with the disappearing snow. I'm afraid we'll have white ground for a long time to come since we've had over 9 inches since Friday night and more on the way tomorrow & again on Thursday.

  11. LOVE the last picture of him yawning! That is just too cute! We had a fairly warm day today, around 68, but tomorrow and Sunday will be closer to 80!! I am going to rust some pins and bells, and paint my pumpkins that I never completed! All outdoor stuff! In between cleaning for Christmas of course! Hugs!


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