Monday, November 18, 2013

Twelve Bees and Numerous Finches

I didn't have much time to stitch on Sunday what with one thing or the other.
I did manage to kit up Cottage Garden Sampling's "June's Honeysuckle".

And hey, I stitched twelve bees too!

I don't have Cardinals to provide winter cheer, but I do have House Finches.

As is often the case it the Avian World, it's the guys who provide the color.

Some are quite pale...

While others are vibrant.

Until I looked at this photo, I'd not realized the color included the back clear to the start of the tail feathers.

The breast can be quite rosy too.

Here's a pair atop my Ali-baba fountain having a drink. 

AS you can see, he is quite a handsome fellow.  No wonder he has a date!


  1. Oh this is another darling border you have stitched!

  2. They really are pretty birds! Love their coloring. Love the new start too. Glad you are continuing work on this series.

  3. I love the two on the ali baba fountain - they look like they're having a "wee blether`'.

  4. Those threads with June's Honeysuckle are scrumptious! You've got a great start too.

    My House Finches don't stay put long enough for me to get great pics like you have. My favorite is the pair on the fountain.

  5. Ohh this is a beautiful stitch xxx

  6. Cute start! I love the bees you've stitched. I've never stitched with beads before.

    Those birds have lovely subtle colours.

  7. A border of bees--now that's a first! You're off to a lovely start, Beth :)

  8. Świetny początek - urocze te maleńkie pszczoły :)

  9. House finches are not my favorite bird. In Louisville we had so many that they would not let other birds at the feeder. They would sit and eat until the feeder was almost empty. My poor little chickadees never got a seed!

  10. Lovely new start on the next in the series. He is a handsome bird :)

  11. A lovely start to your next project.

  12. Yes, he is quite the handsome fella! Hugs!


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