Tuesday, November 19, 2013

So Thanksgiving is Approaching

Thanksgiving is approaching.
I've long admired other's finishes of this Prairie Schooler turkey, so I thought it would be a nice seasonal stitch. 

I haven't seen my Downy Woodpecker in a while,

but the Flickers have remained active at the feeders.

The female was all about the suet as you can see by the crumbs on her beak.

With this pose I think she looks as though she has her hands wings folded behind her back.

She's a discreetly pretty bird.

And is able to fend off the jays and starlings.

You can see how much more brightly colored the male Flicker is.
Brighter orange tail feathers...

Bright red stripes on his cheeks...

He was content to eat peanuts from my smallest of feeders.


  1. Oh yes Beth, that turkey is a great one. I will have to be content with the one tiny turkey I stitched up and finished back in October. I am full steam ahead on Christmas gifts!!

  2. I just set my PS turkey out on my sideboard yesterday and was admiring him. I think of all the cross stitch turkeys out there, he is the most handsome... Enjoy stitching him, Beth!

  3. I haven't seen that turkey before; he is a handsome one indeed. Your flickers are so pretty. I love their piercing call.

  4. Prairie Schooler is an evergreen! and this turkey is fantastic for thanksgiving!
    love your blog.
    mimma (in Italy)

  5. Sweet stitching and very pretty bird..
    Hugs x

  6. I love that turkey! I can't wait to see him stitched up... I bet I'll love him even more.

  7. Those Flickrs are so pretty! Male and Female both. Great Turkey stitch too!

  8. The flickers all look wonderful. I do like that bird! I agree, the PS turkey is a great chart! Maybe next year!

  9. The flickers are pretty, but I think most all birds are pretty. I can't wait to see the finished turkey!

  10. Love that turkey stitch! And it's always great to see your bird pics!!

  11. These little seasonal charts by Prairie Schooler are all so beautiful. I have stitched several, but not this one.

  12. I'm working on these ornaments too! Love your woodpecker.

  13. The turkey certainly is a jolly fellow.

  14. Beautiful photos of the flicker--those birds are quite the characters! I put a little seed feeder right up by my desk window, and the cats have a good bird gallery to amuse them all day long :)


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