Sunday, November 17, 2013

Hummers and Questions

First off to answer a question about my bulbs.
Mary asked why I don't plant them in the ground.  There are a couple of reasons.  The first is that I have very few flowerbeds.  The grounds around the house have never been landscaped and the dirt is 'hard' and full of rocks.  But I also enjoy the bulbs in pots - I can position them by the doorways and walkways so that I can see and smell and otherwise enjoy them.  Then I usually do plant them in my front flowerbed, I just never got around to planting out the 2013 spring bulbs.
I still have a couple of Anna's Hummingbirds.  I have two feeders and saw one at each feeder (at the same time), and a couple of times I've watched them as they chased each other. 

I may well have more than two birds but as they tend to fight and bicker, it is rare that I ever see more than two together.

I do like their shiny green back feathers. 

I've seen photos of several 'hummers' sharing the same feeder.

But my birds do seem to believe in 'share and share alike.' 


  1. Love the hummers. I think I'll try bulbs in pots. I like the idea of them being portable to enjoy.

  2. Beautiful birds! And you take the most wonderful pictures! =)

  3. Great pictures of the Annas. I still have my little one. We are suppose to get very cold this week. We'll have to keep an eye on the feeder!

  4. Love those hummingbirds. They are always my favorites. I was wondering about your bulbs too. Now I know. I think that's very clever. Do you have trouble with deer eating the bulbs?

  5. The Annas are beautiful! I've kept my hummingbird feeder out, but so far I haven't seen any hummers :(

  6. Those are great pictures! Usually when I try to get a picture of a hummingbird, they turn out blurry.

  7. You have some of the best pictures!!! Thanks for sharing them.

  8. Hi Beth: It's been a while since I've been here--just busy with life right now. But I did want to stop in and say how much I enjoyed your hummingbird pictures! We've got a couple of Anna's that frequent our feeder as well. Supposed to get cold in the next few days--I've still got outside things to get done if it ever stops raining. Take care!

  9. Are they less likely to be eaten in the pots? I have to confess I can't be bothered with bulbs anymore. Too many critters snacking on them. Plant a dozen, get one flower. Grrrr. That's ok though because the neighbor at the bottom of the road here has hundredssssss of daffodils and tulips every spring so I enjoy looking at her bulbs instead. lol


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